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"It's me", Jay said and Ensa heard her voice trembling. "Finally, I've been waiting for hours", she sighed and then quickly she asked, "Are you okay?" "No", Jay breathed, hurried, "Ensa, I'm scared" "What happened? What's wrong?", Ensa quickly asked and nervously she started pacing the room.
"There are things in the water, I was drowning- I- I think-", Jay fell over her own words, tears brimming in her eyes, "I don't feel like myself fully" "What do you- No, wait, Pause. Take a deep breath with me", Ensa said, hearing Jay breathing in deeply at the same time, I long sigh leaving her, "Now. What do you mean, you don't feel like yourself?" "I'm so shaky and I feel so- like my soul filled with darkness and despair", she choked out, "Like the sky will never be lit by the sun anymore, like I will turn into a shell of myself"

"Hey, it's okay", Ensas voice was firm and grounding, held Jay tied to reality, "I promise your soul isn't turning dark. Jay, you're bright and so full of light. You can fight this, you can hold on." "But it feels like it. Ensa, I'm so on the edge, I've been yelling at the crew over nothing, I've been feeling so nauseous and confused. I just wanna leave", her voice was like a breathy plead, like she was begging Ensa and whoever else would listen to get her out of the Black Sea.
"I'll fix the teleporter as soon as I can. I promise. Give you guys a way out. Hold on, yeah?" "Yeah", Jay wiped a few tears off her face, "Yeah."

"If it brightens your day a little, I got you friendship bracelet in the mail this morning", Ensa mumbled sheepishly and she heard a broken chuckle on the other end.
"Yeah? You like it?" "More then anything", Ensa replied, "Wearing it right now. I'll never take it off" "I'm wearing mine too", Jay replied, voice still thick with tears, "It's a little torn after the fight, but I'll fix it up" "Where are you headed to?" "Land, hopefully" "Hopefully?" "There aren't any landmarks in sight, except for a few branches or a tree, but it's our best shot. We can go from there", Jay replied wrapping herself in a blanket.
"Okay, that's better then nothing" "Yeah. What about you? What's new in Zero?" "Nothing, as always. Boring little island, at least when you guys aren't here"

"We'll be back", Jay whispered, "And we'll escape this hell hole" "You will and we will make more friendship bracelets when you come back", Ensa replied softly and the thought made Jays heart fill with warmth.
"I'll hold on for that", her voice carried a hint of a chuckle and it made Ensa worry less.
Knowing that Jay could still find joy in planning ahead. That she hadn't given up hope fully.

"I have a shift for rowing the ship. There's no wind here so it's a lot of work to keep moving.", Jay said almost sadly, "I'll call you when I can. I'm sorry I didn't have too much time, I just- I- I had to hear your voice"
Ensa blushed and stopped in her tracks from pacing around. "Hear my voice?" "Yes", Jay replied hesitantly, before the door to her quarters opened. "Jay, we need you on deck", Ensa heard Chip panting on the other end and just as she realized that Jay was about to hang up she tried to figure out what to say, when Jay already stuttered: "I'll talk to you soon", before hanging up.

"No, wait I-", she pressed her lips together, sighed deeply. She was left with a feeling of equal surprise and longing. Yes, longing. That was it. Longing to talk to Jay, longing to hear her voice and ask what she had meant and longing to know her safe on the other end of the connection. "I'll talk to you later", she sighed and let the phone sink slowly.

And then she heard a soft knock on the door of her workshop. Ella stood there with a sheepish expression, carefully stepping inside. "Are you okay?" "Did you- you heard that?" "I just heard your attempt to keep the person on the other end on the phone", Ella replied and closed the door slowly behind herself, "Is something wrong?" "I don't know", Ensa mumbled and put the shell aside, ruffling her hair and sighing, "I'm just so worried" "So it was one of the trio" "It was- It was Jay", it's always her.
"Did anything happen to them?", Ella's voice was gentle and warm as she sat Ensa down and got on her knee to be level with her.
"Jay was so scared", Ensa felt herself tear up, "She said she was loosing herself or something like that"

Ella squeezed her hand. "You care about her, don't you?" "Gods, yes, I do", Ensa whispered breathlessly. "That's okay", she replied, "If there's anything else you wanna tell me, I'll gladly listen" "I think I'm falling in love with her", Ensas voice was tear thick and she leaned her head against the backrest of the armchair, "I feel like I'm dying, knowing she's afraid" "I don't just think you're falling for her. I think you already fell", Ella replied softly and gave her a light smile as she wiped her tears, "Those pirates always go around stealing treasure and sometimes they mistake your heart for gold and take it with them on their merry ways. I was suspicious on the last evening before they left, when you looked at her a little longer then normal and how you blushed when she hugged you goodbye"

Ensa forced out a slow breath, trembling with the tears she still held back. "I don't know what to do or feel or think, I never caught feelings like this before. It sucks"
Ella chuckled. "I know how you feel", she said understandingly and leaned forward to hug her, "But it'll get better. Someday"

overseas // jay x ensa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now