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Ensa felt sick. Jay didn't pick up the phone.
She hadn't for two days and Ensa couldn't take the dread that was setting in.
The lense for the teleporter had finally been delivered, but she couldn't install it without Jay drawing the runes on their side.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up", she whispered like a mantra as she paced the room up and down in a panic. The tension filled her entire body, her mind unable to focus on anything.
She was holding on by a thread.
Then suddenly a click in the connection.
"Who is it?" "Oh my gods, Jay", Ensa felt her knees give out and the rush of relief flooded her entire being. She sobbed helpless and grateful, whispering praise to the goddesses over and over.

"Ensa?" "Yes, gods, yes- you scared the living shit out of me", Ensa yelled at her and carefully leaned against the closest wall, sitting on the floor, "I thought you were dead" "I'm alive. I'm okay. Don't worry" "Don't worry? After the last call I thought of the worst, don't fucking do this to me again", she took a deep breath, her next words merely a broken whisper, "I'm so grateful that you're okay" "I'm sorry", Jay replied quietly, "I got caught up in something absolutely insane. Please, hear me out and you'll understand"

She heard Ensas heavy breath on the other end, her breath thick with tears and then she sighed. "I- You- It's okay, I'm overreacting. I'm sorry", she said and leaned her head back against the brick wall, staring at the ceiling, "I'm sorry for yelling. You're saving the world, of course you can't pick up, but I just thought- I don't know what I thought. I was just so worried" "Hey, I get it. I understand", Jay said softly and after a moment of silence Ensa said: "We can fix the teleporter today, if you have time for it"
"Yes. Yes, please", Jay quickly replied and Ensa nodded to herself. "Just give me one second, I'm so shaky right now", she mumbled with a slight chuckle, "I'm so glad you're okay" "I didn't think you'd worry this much", Jay confessed sheepishly and looked down. She was a few hours from witnessing a wedding, about to ditch this whole thing to sit on the ship, with Ensa on the phone, listening to her voice. Grounding, warm and soft. She wasn't just loosing her mind in the black sea, she had also lost her heart in Zero.

"I care about you. Of course I'll be worried sick when you don't pick up or call me back, when you're stuck in hell on Mana", Ensa replied and slowly got up, "Listen, I'll get the lense with Ollie, stay on the phone. You need chalk for the circle. Wipe the old runes out and I'll tell you when to draw the new ones. Okay?" "I have to get to the ship first, but I'll go as quick as I can. I'm currently in a castle, about to be a bridesmaid, give me thirty minutes to get to the ship. The wedding can wait" "Wait, what wedding?" "Long story" "We have time for that, I hope?", Ensa sounded unsure, like she didn't know if they actually did have the time. "We do, I'm sure", Jay replied softly and she imagined Ensas face, that smile tugging on her lips that she had grown to be so fond of in her time in Zero. When Ensa pretended like everything was cool and not bothering her at all, while she was actually pretty happy.

"That's good", she finally replied and walked over to the door slowly, "I'll leave the shell up here while I get the lense. Stay- please, stay on the line. I'll be quick, I promise, I'll be quick" "Yeah, I'll stay on the line", Jay replied, heard Ensa breathing in about to say something, before letting it go and gently Jay added, "I promise."
"Okay. I'll be right back" "I'll wait"

Jay didn't find neither Gill nor Chip in the mess of people running around in preparation. She decided it didn't matter.
She picked up the train of the dress that Queen had made for her and rushed out of the castle. Quickly she walked through the city, down to the hideout. By that time she heard Ensa and Ollie on the other end.
After a short exchange about how she would be on the ship in just a bit, she rushed even further to the docks. She saw the Albatross drifting down the river and whistled loudly.
They ship was maneuvered towards her and she quickly climbed up the rope ladder with. Or at least as quickly as she could with a hurt leg, in a dress and with the shell in her hand.

Drey helped her over the railing as best as he could and looked at her in horror and confusion. "What happened to your leg? And why are you in a dress?" "Long story, no time", she said, "Keep the ship moving"
"Aye Captain", he said and looked after her concerned as she went down stairs.
She lifted the shell to her ear and heard Ensa and Ollie installing the lense.
"I'm ready guys", she said loud enough for them to hear her, opening a drawer to pull out a sticks of chalk, pushing it behind her ear, as she started clearing the floor of the old circle.

"We got it up and secured", Ensa said, wiping her hands on a towel, that was already smeared with oil stains.
Then she ruffled Ollie's hair. "Good job, kid"
Jay heard muffled through the phone: "Can I say hi to Miss Jay?" "Sure, here you go"
After Ensa had handed over the shell, Jay heard the familiar voice of Ollie.
"Miss Jay?" "Hey Ollie", she replied with a smile, "How are things at home?" "So good! I've been going back to school and my teacher likes my writing. I think I'm gonna write a book!", he said excitedly.
"That sounds great, I'm so proud of you" "Is Chip there? And Gillion?" "No, they're not here right now, I'm sorry" "Did they get hurt?" "Uhm-", Jay thought about how smart it would be to tell Ollie about the literal loss of a heart and a broken destiny, "No, they're just at a castle right now. Planning a wedding"

"A wedding? Wasn't the black sea evil?" "It is, it really is, but there's always good in the bad. Now, Ollie, can you give the phone back to Ensa, please? We need to fix the teleporter so we have our emergency exit"
"Okay, be safe, Miss Jay" "I will be, you too"
She heard some shuffling on the other end and then Ensa voice. "Hey" "Hi", Jay felt a smile tug on her lips. "Let's start with the runes, yeah?", Ensa said and Jay nodded.
"I'm ready, tell me what to do"

Ensa talked her through it, explaining where to put what rune to reactivate the magic.
All when eventually the circle started glowing again. "We did it", Jay said with a smile, "Now, I have another question. Just- if you want- if you want, you could come over for the wedding and be my plus one?"
"What?" "You don't have to, but- I just thought- maybe you'd be up for it", Jay mumbled and then Ensa asked shyly. "Is there a dress code or something?" "Not in particular, but- maybe just a dress or suit"
"Give me a minute", Ensa said an Jay heard quick steps, then a closet opening, "I think I can make this work"

"So you're coming?" "If you want me there, yes", Ensa said and Jay smiled a little.
"Yeah, I want you here" "I'll be right with you"
"Okay", Jay said almost breathless with excitement. This was the first good news since leaving Zero.

Ten minutes later the teleporter lit up and a very rushed Ensa stood right in front of her in a beautiful black dress.
Jay looked at her with the reddest face and wide eyes. The fabric hugged her body perfectly, a slit exposing her in tact leg that was in fishnets and knee high boots.
Jays heart almost jumped out of her chest, when suddenly Ensa rushed over to hug her.
Jay took a second, before hugging her back so much tighter, inhaling her scent that filled her heart with comfort and warmth.

They didn't talk, didn't move, just held each other close, until Ensa broke the silence: "I'm so glad you're alive" "I'm so glad you're here"
Slowly Ensa let go, to look Jay up and down.
Her eyes passed over the cherry blossoms fabric that was flowing down Jays body, until she stopped at Jays leg that was exposed by the slit on her dress.
"What happened?", she asked and Jay looked away. "That's the long story", she mumbled. "Tell it to me?", Ensa asked almost hesitantly. "After the wedding, okay?"
"Okay", Ensa said and after a moment she asked, "Anything I should be prepared for?"
"Hollowed creatures, they react to noise. So we have to be quiet, I'll cast pass without a trace on us. And when you see Chip without his disguise, please don't freak out." "Why?" "He was turned undead in our last big fight" "He got what?", Ensa yelled and quickly Jay covered her mouth. "Quiet", she hissed, "There are creatures everywhere"

Ensa looked at her. Saw the almost determined look in Jays eyes, that clearly showed her position as captain. A leader, keeping her people safe.
Her heart skipped a beat and she almost forgot the news Jay had just given her.
She nodded and slowly Jay took the hand off her mouth. "It's part of the long story. I'll tell you everything after the wedding, I promise", Jay whispered and took her hand to pull her out of the quarters and onto the deck.

The way to the castle made Ensa worry.
The Hollowed were tragedies that she didn't want Jay to become a part of, the empty landscapes were a depression that she didn't want in Jays mind.
And as they reached the castle she was holding Jays hand tighter then when they had left the ship.

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