Pregnant - Dale Horvath

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I was 4 months pregnant. I have been having mood swings and nauseating, badly. Lori, Maggie, and Hershel help me out when I am feeling bad. But Dale helps the most. He may not know a lot about girl stuff, or much about pregnancy, but, he helps me by getting my anger out, holding my hair while I puke, and just in general, he's by my side when I need someone to talk to.

My baby has no dad, no related family that's still alive. I am just scared to give birth and the baby has to be scared it's whole life, keeping one eye open so they don't get eaten alive. I know they have a group and family here to help but people have died. Jim, Jacqui, Otis, and, Merle. They all died, they were strong and they weren't lucky to survive this world.

It was morning, the sun was shining in my eyes as I walked out the house. I told Maggie I needed some air. A lot of stuff I just found out and I was just overwhelmed. Hershel had walkers in his barn, Carl stole Daryl's gun and, Lori is acting strange. It was just too much to handle and too much to stress about while pregnant.

I slowly walked down the stairs, holding my stomach and went towards Dale's RV that was on the field, under a tree. As I wabbled to Dale, seeing him in top of the RV, looking through his binoculars out onto the field for stragglers. I wave to him and his sees. Causing his attention to being drawn away from the feild and to my eyes. He began to get up and makes him way to me and down the ladder of the RV.

"Sweetheart, you alright?" Dale asks. I just nod, holding my stomach. He sees and gently pulls me to a chair and he sit next to me.

"To much going on, I guess. It's too much stress for the baby and I needed some air." I explain while rubbing my stomach to calm down the baby as they were kicking me.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He says giving me a small side smile. "Can I?" Dale asks, saying he wants to feel the baby kick. I nod as he gently lays his hand on my stomach, feeling the baby kick, making him smile. I put my hand on his, holding it as the baby kicks more.

Dale looks my way. "You're strong, you're the most strongest woman in this group. I mean you're going through your first pregnancy, in the apocalypse. The baby may not have a father but they have a family here waiting for them." He says trying to cheer me up.

"Thank you." I say while tears start to flow. He holds his hand up and gently rubs them away and kisses me on the cheek, making me blush.

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