Song Producer - Daryl Dixon

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Not my song.

Me and Daryl was on a supply trip but we got overrun by a herd of walkers and we had to move to go somewhere safe

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Me and Daryl was on a supply trip but we got overrun by a herd of walkers and we had to move to go somewhere safe.

It's dark and Daryl told me to stay put and make a campfire and he will go out to get some food. I nod and I gather some firewood and flick my lighter a couple of times and a flame finally finds it way out and I get a piece of riped, flammable paper off the ground and light it and the fire starts blazing as I put the paper inside.

I get bored and Daryl hasn't been back yet and I decided to occupy my self by singing some songs.

I picked Numb little bug by Em Beihold. I was a big fan of her before the apocalypse. I always wandered where she went?

My leg starts bouncing and I start singing the verse.

"I don't feel a single thing. Have the pills done to much? I haven't caught up with my friends in weeks and now we're out of touch. I have been driving in LA, and the world feels too big. Like a floating ball that's bound to break that might snap you like a twig." I sing while staring at the fire. I feel like I was being watched and I knew it was Daryl but I continued to sing either way.

He walks over quietly, trying not to destroy the peace I was having. He sits down and puts the gutted out bunny on the sick and put it over the fire. Making little glances towards me as I sing more.

"I just want to see if you feel the same as me. Do you ever get a little tried of life. Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die. Like your hanging by a thread but you gotta survive, cause you gotta survive." I sing and me and Daryl make eye contact and I smile.

"Like your body's in the room but your not really there. Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care. Like your fresh out of love but it's been in the air, pass repair." I sing.


I finish the song and Daryl is still contemplating on what to say next.

"You never told me you could sing?" He asks.

"It's not my song. I was a song producer, I edit and help with singers and their songs before all this." I explained.

He just nods.

"You got a beautiful singing voice." He says with a small weak smile and I smile with tinted cheeks.

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