1. A New Life

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The racing circuit echoed with the growls of powerful engines, each driver ready to show their skills.

Vibrant banners flutter in the breeze, showcasing the sponsors of each car. The scent of burning rubber is mixing with the faint whiff of motor oil, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that electrifies the senses.

This racing circuit. A pulsating heartbeat, where drivers chase glory, and every corner tells a story of skill, speed, and the chase of victory.

Jeon Wonwoo, the owner of the circuit, found himself stuck in a dull conversation with sponsors. 

Spotting a friend who had just arrived, ready to take the wheel, Wonwoo swiftly excused himself from the tedious conversation with the sponsors. 

"Excuse me, I need to have a word with my number 1 driver," he declared, not waiting for a response, eager to make a quick escape.

"Ready for this race, Minghao?" Wonwoo inquired, his hands tucked into his pockets, watching intently as his friend prepared for the upcoming competition.

Minghao briefly lifted his head to glance at Wonwoo before resuming his preparations. Dressed in a striking black and red racing suit, his black hair danced in the wind, creating a majestic aura. 

As he slipped on his gloves, he casually responded, "Like always, hyung. What car am I driving today?"

"A McLaren GT3," Wonwoo replied, prompting Minghao to look at him with a puzzled expression, furrowing his brows. 

"But I'm part of the Alfa Romeo team, hyung. Why would I drive a McLaren?" he questioned, clearly confused.

"I need to sell that car because it has some technical issues with its engine," Wonwoo explained, deepening Minghao's confusion. 

"Oh, so you want me to drive a car with a broken engine?" Minghao asked, seeking clarification.

Wonwoo chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry, Minghao. It's just a minor issue, and I'm looking to sell it swiftly," he reassured, prompting a laugh from Minghao.

"You're at this again, hyung? Selling cars with technical problems?" Minghao remarked, adjusting his racing suit.

"I've got to keep the business running. Otherwise, you'd be tearing up the field on foot right now," Wonwoo said.

Minghao chuckled, giving Wonwoo's shoulder a friendly nudge. 

"Hyung, you've got to watch out. Remember the time you sold that vintage sports car with the faulty brakes? We ended up in a wild chase with the buyer, who turned out to be an undercover cop on a stakeout," Minghao laughed, and Wonwoo joined in immediately, recalling every detail vividly.

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