7. Fake Boyfriend

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Silently driving, Wonwoo sported a smirk while Yuna, her heart racing, stood on the passenger seat.

Her face turned tomato-red while Wonwoo relished every moment of her embarrassment. The night stretched out before them as he drove, a long journey to Busan.

It wasn't just Wonwoo who made her nervous; it was also the fact that she had left Seoul without her brothers knowing.

"So, what's the deal with your friend? Is she okay?" Wonwoo decided to ease the tension, dismantling the barrier Yuna had put up between them.

She furrowed her brows, turning to meet his eyes. "She? Oh no, my best friend is a guy," she replied, causing Wonwoo to turn serious in an instant.

"A man?" he repeated, raising his brows as his eyes flicked between her and the road. For a moment, the playful smirk vanished from Wonwoo's face, replaced by a look of subtle surprise and curiosity.

"Yeah. A guy," Yuna replied, her confusion evident as she failed to grasp his reaction.

"So, let me get this straight. I'm driving you for four hours just to meet some guy? Great," he replied, his frustration evident as he struggled to comprehend the situation.

"What's the problem?" she asked, puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor.

"Another city, at night, and your brothers don't even know. Plus, I'm supposed to trust this guy I've never even met?" Wonwoo's retort carried a note of incredulity, his brows furrowing as he struggled to make sense of the situation. 

He stole a quick glance at Yuna, his expression a mix of concern and frustration, silently questioning the wisdom of their  journey.

"It's Lucas. Why are you so tense about it?" Yuna let out a small chuckle, finding his reaction amusing.

"Relax, you don't need to worry so much. Besides," she teased, her smile widening, "I don't need another overprotective brother. Three is really enough."

"Brother?" he raised his brows, shooting her a curious look as the car stopped at the red light. The glow from the traffic signal painted his features with a warm hue, highlighting the intensity of his gaze. 

"Do you really see me like that?" he questioned, his voice soft yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability. 

Leaning closer, his breath mingled with hers, and Yuna felt her heart fluttering like a trapped bird in her chest, unsure whether to flee or stay.

"I mean, you're acting like one," she replied in a whisper, her words barely audible over the hum of the car engine. 

Lost in the depths of his eyes, she felt a warmth spreading through her, enveloping her in a protective shell of mutual intimacy.

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