5. Into You

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"Come on, Ri, rise and shine!" A deep, resonant voice filled the room, prompting Yuna to instinctively draw the blanket over her face as Seungcheol flung open the curtains.

"Let me sleep," she whined, her voice muffled by the blanket, while Seungcheol emitted a resigned sigh.

"Ri, you either wake up or prepare to be tickled," Seungcheol warned, prompting Yuna to reluctantly remove the blanket from her face, casting him a half-hearted frown.

"I hate you," she retorted, a hint of playful defiance in her tone.

"I love you too," Seungcheol countered with a smile.

"Go wake up your drunken brother," he instructed, running a hand through his hair as he prepared to exit the room.

"Which one?" she inquired, causing him to pause in his tracks and turn back to face her.

"Fair enough," he shrugged nonchalantly before proceeding. "I'll handle Jun. You deal with the other beast," he declared, eliciting a resigned sigh from Yuna.

"But it'll take me hours to wake him up," she lamented with a hint of exasperation.

Seungcheol's chuckle trailed off, replaced by a thoughtful expression. 

His eyes widened slightly as if a sudden realization had dawned upon him, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh," he exclaimed softly.

"I almost forgot. Where did you disappear to last night?" he inquired, catching her off guard.

"Huh?" she responded, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion as she processed his unexpected inquiry.

"Where were you, Yuna? I was chatting with Minghao, and when I turned to check on you, you'd vanished," he clarified, slipping his hands into his pockets as he leaned against the door frame, awaiting an explanation from his sister.

"Ah," she replied with a nod of understanding. "I went to the bathroom," she explained, offering him an awkward smile in response.

"At the same time as Wonwoo? For half an hour, perhaps?" he questioned, raising a skeptical eyebrow. 

Shoot. She was caught.

Yuna responded with another awkward smile, hoping he would brush it off and leave her be.

"I'm waiting," he stated firmly, tapping his foot against the floor with a seriousness that brooked no argument, his expression deadly serious.

She sighed before relenting. "Okay, I went to the bathroom and then decided to check out the racing circuit for a bit. It's my first time seeing one up close, and I was curious," she lied, hoping her explanation would suffice and that he wouldn't dig deeper.

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