27 - The Nest, 1927

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Almost midnight. That awful restlessness, the urge to go out and do something—anything!—swept through Entorani. The family must need him somehow. Some way to help. Something to fix.

But no. That was his old self talking. The between self. There was no need to compulsively stay busy. Instead, he remained in place. Buried under his feathers. Like a good prince. Just as he had done for... He had lost track of how many nights.

Never mind. There would be work enough for him once Vaeilentha left the nest. It would only be a few months. Maybe half a year at worst. He could wait that long. No problem. Everything would be—

A knock on his door.

Entorani buried himself further, begging Errek to go away. Because who else would it be? Serana? No. She knew better.

More knocking.

Azehralia needed nothing from him. It would not be Demeko or Rotero. It could only be Errek. Why did he refuse to understand that—!?

"I know you're in there." Vaeilentha.

Entorani curled into himself. She was so much worse than Errek. What did he do while cloistered in his den to instigate this visit?

Furious pounding on his door.

The sooner he answered her, the sooner she would be gone. He snaked towards the exit. Carefully, he cracked the door open. "Evening, Ilen."

"About time." She pulled on the door, but he held on, keeping it mostly closed. "Really?"

"What do you need?"

"Soon, one of my grubs will break out of her cocoon. I want to know what she'll be. Unfortunately, that's your area of expertise. Get out here." She stepped back, motioning for Entorani to come.

Azehralia would want Entorani to keep the peace. Reluctantly, he exited his den. Vaeilentha seemed taller. He realized it was because he was hunched over. Straightening up, he waited for further orders.

Her mouth kinked into a frown. "I assume you remember where to go."

He nodded.

"Then be quick." She opened her wings and dove into the pit.

His shoulders slouched. His change of title had not come with miraculously working wings. He eased onto the wall and sluggishly descended. Stepped onto the spiral. Drifted along it.

A commotion above him. Two hunters shoved Ru back and forth between them. In another lifetime, Entorani might have intervened. He knew better now. They would figure it out.

Reaching the new lower walkway, Entorani scanned for workers. He saw none. Nor did he hear them. They must have finished the new cocooning dens. Just in time for initiation. Good for them. He opened a hatch and climbed into the ascension layer. A sharp whistle to his left. Vaeilentha sat impatiently on a rock at the entrance to one of the dens. He forced himself to hurry over.

"I see you're taking your sweet time tonight."

He shrugged as he passed her. Reached the back of the den. Kneeled before the still, milky white crescent. Stared at it in confusion. "Your grub isn't close to ready."

"I'm well aware, Torani."

His posture drooped further. "Is there any point in correcting you?"

"About what, knight-un-prince?"

"I didn't think so."

Vaeilentha stepped towards him. "It was my privilege to name you. Not hers."

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