Chapter 10 ~ Withering

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You woke up suddenly to the sight of Dottore standing above you. It was very abrupt.

“Hey Y/N, wake up. Come on, it's time to get up now.”

His smile was weirdly gentle as was his tone of voice, you found it very calming.

He reached out his hand for you to grab onto for support.

You grasped his hand, feeling its roughness on your skin. It was a bit scratchy at first but it got softer and softer the longer you held it.

“Up you get.”

Lifting you up and out of bed you wobbled on your feet a bit at the start but leaning your weight against Dottore you supported yourself upright.

Standing up so suddenly you felt dizzy and nauseous. Leaning your full weight against Dottore he wrapped his arms around you embracing you in a hug.


“There there, you're okay. You'll feel all better soon.”


You felt puzzled but he didn't answer, instead he kept holding you. You weren't trying to pull away though, even though it was Dottore.. it still felt nice, comforting, warm. You didn't want it to end.

Until suddenly he pulled you off of him and held your weight up with his arms.

“Alright we have to go.”

Still puzzled as to what was going on you wanted to ask him what he was doing.

“Huh? Go where Zandik?”

“We're going home.”

He turned around and held your hand leading you out the door. He whispered in a mumble, just enough so you couldn't hear him.

You felt like questioning him but stayed silent and let him lead you away. Suddenly your legs felt strong and you no longer felt weakened or slowed down by your illness.

What exactly happened to you whilst you were asleep?

So many things were running through your head but you decided not to ask anymore.

All the thoughts stopped once he led you through the door..

..You were back at the Academia?

You stood outside the tall overgrown building which was buried down in your memories. Speaking of memories, the second your eyes landed on the view in front of you, all the times you had spent here were being replaced in your mind; All the good and bad times, all the time you spent with Zandik. It felt like a whole story replaying itself in your head. A movie, only you could witness.

“Zandik.. why are we here?”

You felt puzzled and confused but safe, you felt no danger at all. 

“Why not?”

It sounded reasonable enough to you at the time.

You enjoyed the peaceful moment a little longer until Zandik started leading you away again, your hand melting into his and combining into one, never to be let go of again.

“Where are we going now?”

You started heading in a foreign direction that you didn't recognise but he didn't respond to your question. Something like that would usually arouse a feeling of suspicion but not now, you felt really trusting of him right now, whether that was a good thing or not you didn't know.

With The Hideous ~ A Dottore/reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now