Chapter 5 - California Dreamin'

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Streams of bright sunlight peeked past the dark shades drawn over the window of the large home office as I slept with my head lying on the top of the desk, leaning over from the tall executive chair with the laptop still opened with a dark screen nearby and an ornate crystal flask of scotch that was now empty with an empty short tumbler glass just out of reach from my hands. Christopher opened the door to the office, quietly peeking his head inside and furrowed his brows in concern as his eyes fell on me, now wearing another executive black suit with a blue shirt and patterned dark red tie as he stepped around the desk and reached out, gently shaking my shoulder.

I shot up off the desk with a gasp, causing Christopher to pull his hand back and raise his hands defensively, "It's just me, honey. Have you been in here all night?"

I groaned slightly as I sat up in the chair, feeling the achiness in my shoulders and neck as I brushed my hair away from my face, shrugging lightly as I looked back at the desk and raised my eyebrows, "I guess I was? I just couldn't sleep, that's all..."

Christopher's eyes glanced back at the empty flask sitting on the desk and furrowed his brows slightly as his eyes filled with worry, reaching out and gently resting his hand on my shoulder, "I think I should call your doctor to try to get you in for today. You've never stayed up and drank like this."

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and gave him a look as I scooted the chair away and stood up, wrapping the white button up tighter around my chest and shook my head, "I'm fine. Have the kids woke up yet? I was thinking maybe I could stay home with them again, but we can go somewhere this time? Maybe the park, or-"

"Cathy, I know you miss the kids, but you can't just keep them home from school like this. I'm getting worried about you, and I really think you should go and talk to your therapist. Maybe she can up the dose on your meds again?"

I glanced down at the floor as I chewed on my words, deciding to placate him as another idea popped into my head and forced a tight smile as I nodded, "Sure. I guess I'll call off work again and take a personal day. Sounds like I need it?"

He nodded slowly and smiled softly down at me, "You just do whatever you need to do to get better, honey. I'll make sure Hailey gets the kids on the bus, and why don't you freshen up in the shower and get ready? I already called your office, so they know you're not coming in today."

I stopped, furrowing my eyebrows and shaking my head, "You already called in for me? What, did you already make the appointment for my therapist too?"

Christopher paused slightly when my face fell, turning my head away and looking down at the desk as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Nice. Real nice, I'm married to a control freak-"

"I'm not being a control freak, Cathy, I'm just trying to help you-"

"Have a good day at work."

I looked back and forced a tight smile as I dropped my arms and turned to leave, "Honey."

I stalked out of the room and down the hallway back to where the bedroom was before slamming the door behind me, dropping my head into my hands and shutting my eyes as I shook my head, "I can't do this... I gotta get out of here."

After taking a long hot shower to try to ease my stress and drying off, I was now sifting through my large walk-in closet while wearing the same silk robe and my hair thrown up in a towel when I sighed loudly, shaking my head and looking at all the bland executive clothing as I made a face, "Why the hell did I ask to be normal...?"

The Master's Tale - A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, Book 1, Part 10Where stories live. Discover now