Shattered glass (Part 2)

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It was the next day, early in the morning Doctor Harvey was taking out the trash, he could hear the broken ceramic from the plate he broke last night clink in the bag as he dropped it in the bin. He was honestly disappointed in himself that he scared off the Farmer. God. He never knows how to do things does he?  He had hoped for a miracle after his conversation with the Farmer but he got nothing but a headache and a few bruises from being so clumsy.

Harvey sighed and looked at gus' bar that was just across the street from him. Suddenly his mouth felt dry like he needed a drink...maybe a coffee or a wine would help relax him but it was too early for the bar to open.   And then there's the fact that today is a Friday, which means the pub will be busy. 

Harvey had no desire to go back inside, especially now that he heard someone crying coming from the area he took breaks. Harvey knew better than to investigate but curiosity overcame him, he peeked at the entrance to the little section of grass, by the large tree he saw the farmer sitting at the base of the tree crying. They had their knees were drawn up to thri chest, they were rocking back and forth as if praying. It was a heartbreaking sight to see.

Harvey slowly walked to them and put his larger hand on their shoulder to indicate that he was there. 

The farmer looked up at him, his face was streaked with tears, his eyes red and puffy. His nose was running. His lower lip trembled as tears fell from his eyes. "What happened?" Harvey asked in a soothing voice.   The farmer just shook his head and cried harder, still shaking his head back and forth, his hands covering his face. He rocked back and forth while sobbing. "Please," Harvey continued softly in a caring tone. "Tell me what happened." 

The farmer kept shaking their head until Harvey pulled his hands away and wiped their tears with the sleeve of his sweater.  "What happened?"  He asked again. This time the farmer answered. "You don't take the hint,  do you?" he said in a weak whisper. Harvey shook his head slightly before carefully helping the farmer up,  they stood in front of him looking down at each other, the farmer was almost about to break down into tears again when Harvey said, "Let's find somewhere more comfortable." He suggested taking them back to his place. The farmer nodded and let Harvey guide him home.
Once inside Harvey offered the farmer a cup of tea, it was chamomile tea, Harvey knew it was good for calming people. He placed the warm mug on the bedside table and sat down next to the farmer who was sitting on his bed wrapped in his blanket.  They just stared at the floor, neither one knowing what to say. Harvey didn’t know how to comfort someone else who seemed to need it as much as the farmer did...But he just slowly raised his arms to offer a hug and the farmer slowly learned into it, not hugging back but just wanting to be held.

"I feel so stupid....When...when I talked to you yesterday about your feelings...about how Maru said you'd been feeling worthless...I thought....I thought I might of lost you...and..." The farmer confessed after a while of him holding them but they quickly fell silent. 
"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, it wasn't my business to ask anyway.""You weren't wrong," the farmer stated simply before they pulled out of Harvey's embrace and got up. Harvey watched them slightly confused and he just got even more confused when the farmer took off his glasses and put them to the side before they carefully brushed the hair out of his eyes. "I've been hanging around with shane recently and...we got drunk on the little dock at the forest and he asked me if I thought life was just meaningless and difficult...or something like that..." The farmer paused "It's obvious to anyone that he's extremely close to just giving up and I want to help him keep going! but the next day maru said that...and I thought you were going to die for fucks sake Harvey!" The farmers voice broke as tears started rolling down their face.  Harvey was completely lost. Why was everything going downhill this fast? Was he really such an asshole he just made everyone suffer? Why are those thoughts in his mind? Was he even listening? But the farmer wasn't finished yet. "I can't lose him because he's a friend, I can't lose you because you..." the farmer paused "Because you're important to me and I...I don't deserve you..." Tears were falling down the farmer’s cheeks like heavy raindrops. Harvey was trying his best not to panic. Sure maybe in the past he came extremely close to taking his scalpel from downstairs and opening himself up for Maru to come find in the morning but that was only a few times when he was drunk...god...what was he supposed to do now? Wasn't he supposed to tell the Farmer that he loved him and would be okay with staying friends with them? Oh god. No...He couldn't just leave the farmer like that, what could he possibly do?! Harvey panicked internally. "Why are you so calm?" The farmer sniffled and wiped their face clean. "You're supposed to be upset with me right? Tell me! What should I do?!" The farmer shouted.
Harvey could swear his heart broke into two pieces. The farmer was clearly distraught, Harvey knew he shouldn't just leave but the words wouldn't come.
And then...he just put his hand on their cheek and rubbed away the tears.  Their eyes widened at the touch and they stopped crying almost immediately. The farmer stared at Harvey's hand, The farmer leaned into Harvey's hand for a moment then pulled away. "Thank you for comforting me..." They muttered quietly.

Then they smiled.

"Look...Farmer, I have no reason to be...thinking thoughts that could potentially kill me and a whole lot of people. I have this clinic, I have this town to take care of, I have a passions and hobbies...I mean For yobas sake just ask me anything planes and I could rant to you for over an h...hour about them! sure...I've been a bit low on funds and the taxes are increasing every day so I'm barely able to buy myself food but...I'm happy with my life, I'm happy that I can make friends like you, I'm happy that I could of even worried you enough that you came to my apartment to check on me!" Harvey started to panic ramble, Speaking extremely quickly and occasionally stumbling over words and fiddling with his tie but he got it out.  The farmer listened attentively and slowly nodded to show understanding. "So please stop worrying about me...because I'm fine, I'm healthy and strong...ish...and I won't ever leave you." He said with a smile. His eyes widened as all of a sudden the farmers arms were around him.

He slowly put his arms around their waist and buried his face in their shoulder.

They slightly smelled like him after using his blanket for comfort.

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