Quiet day?

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Harvey once again was having a quiet day at the clinic, until Maru came in. She wasn't covered in injuries or anything, in fact she was in her nurse uniform...but today wasn't a day she was scheduled to work so Harvey sat at the desk confused, staring blankly at Maru. 

“Is something wrong, Doctor?” she asked after a long while, with one eyebrow raised.

Harvey looked up and shook his head slightly as if it would help him process what he just saw. "No," he said simply. He tried to look back down at his clipboard but didn't have much success, Today his glasses were irritating him so he just left them, so It was a bit blurry, but he looked back up at her and Harvey tried his best not to stare at her too long though because she seemed a little uncomfortable. “How are you feeling today, Maru?” he asked. 

Maru looked slightly amused by that question for some reason and smiled widely. “I'm fine, thank you, I've got a slight headache but other than that I feel perfectly okay,” she said. “What about you? You look a bit tired, Doctor.-" She stopped talking suddenly. Her eyes had widened when she realized what she had just said. She took a breath and then started talking a lot faster.

"You know, um- You're not supposed to be working today?" Harvey smiled with a chuckle.  "I'm only here for personal reasons ..." Maru replied. "And what might they be?" Harvey asked "If you're comfortable with saying of course" He added.  He really wanted to know how well she knew him, but if she was uncomfortable, he could try to change topics of conversation to make her more relaxed, but he didn't think it would do any good. She already seemed nervous and now she seemed even more unsure.
“Actually, um....” Maru trailed off "I wanted to apologise...by working an extra day for you!" Maru spouted out, as she lowered her head to look at the ground, Harvey walked around his desk to her before patting her shoulder "I have no idea what you're apologising for, but even if you did need to apologise I'd never expect you to pick up an extra day." Harvey said softly "come on, it's quiet so I'll walk you home."

"But- " Maru went to say but Harvey signaled for her to just stop. "I'm going to walk you home, you're going to get changed and you're going to do, whatever you normally do. When you're not working, understand?" Harvey said calmly.  Maru nodded slowly, her face still red from embarrassment. Harvey sighed internally. "Now come on." Harvey walked out of the clinic and Maru followed him behind.  They walked in silence for several minutes, until Harvey reached the corner next to the community centre.

Maru stopped walking, Harvey glanced at her to see that she had her hands crossed over her chest in a way that told him that she was holding something in her fists. She looked like she was trying not to start crying. "Hey hey..." Harvey said softly "what's wrong?" he asked.  Maru swallowed hard, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Well you see... I wanted to apologise to you back at the clinic but...you didn't let me....and I still feel horrible.." Maru sniffled a bit. There she goes...talking about apologising again....

"Apologise for what?" Harvey asked confused. Maru just looked up at him with a puzzled look before sighing "Don't you remember all the problems I've caused?" She asked. "What problems?" Harvey said, starting to get a little irritated. "The one where I don't know - I told the farmer- only other person you're close to that I thought you were going to fucking kill yourself?!" Maru shouted, her tears rolling down her cheeks now.

Harvey's eyebrows knitted together and he felt angry, he had forgotten all about that, he hadn't meant it... "Look Maru it's fine! It's not your fault, it happened a while ago-" Maru cut him off with a sharp gasp. "It still matters!!" She yelled "Why does it matter?!" Harvey yelled back.  "Because you're my fucking boss!" Maru roared, Harvey winced back. "I'm not going to die, I haven't killed myself yet and it doesn't matter to me who knows that." Harve stated firmly.

Maru stared at him for a moment, before letting out another sob "That's bullshit Harvey, that's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!" Maru sobbed, wiping furiously at the tears that ran down her cheeks "You and I both know you'd think this place would be better off without you." she continued.

"Who doesn't?!" Harvey shouted accidentally, he paused for a moment before replying.

"Everyone in this town thinks this, they think things like 'what if I'd do better in the city' , 'what if I'm not cut out for a small town life' , 'Maybe I'd be happier somewhere else' , 'maybe others would be happier without me' , 'maybe others won't even notice I was gone.' " Harvey sighed, tears threatening to fall down but he just rubbed them away "everyone thinks on these kinds of things every now and again, but unlike those people...I actually want to be here, I want to learn and grow and be part of this community, I am part of it." Harvey finished quietly.

Maru glared at him angrily. Harvey looked up at her, tears actually beginning to fall.  "This is my home...this is my town...it has always been mine, whether I wanted to admit it or not." he explained. "I love this place..." Harvey mumbled, almost to himself "I just can't leave yet..." He added looking down at the ground. Maru huffed a laugh in disbelief. "Really? And why is that?" She asked, crossing her arms and tilting her head.

Harvey looked back up at her. "Because....because I've made friends here.." he confessed "I've grown a family and a community and I...I can't bear to leave...".

Maru stared at him for a moment "people barely even interact with you here, they mostly find you old and boring."  Maru pointed out.  "They don't like you." she insisted.

Harvey chuckled sadly, shaking his head, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. He didn't want to give her an answer but he knew she wouldn't let it go. "I like it here, I want to stay here." he said softly. "...I want to live here." he continued "whether or not they think I'm fun or boring is their business...but there's a few people who don't...like you! you know?" Harvey smiled. Maru averted her eyes and his smile immediately dropped "Well like the farmer then..." he said.

"What have they ever done to you?"  Maru just laughed. Harvey furrowed his eyebrows again "they're nice, very polite." Harvey said, trying not to make it obvious he liked the farmer too much.  "And they've done nothing wrong," he added "I don't care what anyone says." He concluded.
"You shouldn't" she replied simply "And I'm sure they like you, I bet they think that you're a bit weird" she said smiling a little.

"You think I'm weird?" Harvey asked.

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