Date Three

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Place: Gavin’s Gallery Premiere Party

Time: April 19th, 8:00 pm

Yelp: N/A | Date: 3/5 really pretty girls not that Jennie’s jealous or anything

There are cameras everywhere. Jennie can’t even blink without opening her eyes just to see another flash beaming towards her. Some are focused on the other guest, but most are on her and Rosie.

Rosie who is at her side and waving politely with a vaseline smile. She’s very good at this, this whole making people believe that she’s genuinely enthused to be bombarded. And that’s when Jennie realizes that she isn’t faking it.

Her arm is grasped around Jennie’s side, and she’s not particularly hiding the fact that they’re a thing. Though it would be kind of pointless since in almost every magazine across the country there is a picture of them on the front kissing.

It’s embarrassing, but Jennie knew this would happen. Although seeing herself reduced to the famous RosiePosie’s new lesbian lover will never not piss her off.

It annoys her father too. Or, a part of it does at least. He’d called to ask about it, and when Jennie explained his voice had grown distant. He didn’t mention it much, and Jennie doubts he will considering when he called this morning for her birthday the subject didn’t even come up. It’s a bridge she’ll cross later.

Rosie hasn’t done one of the 10,000 interviews asked of her yet, but said she would next week once things cooled down a bit. From the looks of the paparazzi, the reaching of hands, the loud murmurs - Jennie doesn’t see things cooling down anytime soon.

“Sorry,” Rosie mutters out of the corner of her mouth. “I knew they’d be crazy but this isn’t even that big of an event…”

Jennie smiles, nudges Rosie with the side of her hip. “It’s okay.”


“I asked for it.”

Rosie turns to face her, softens the edges of her lips into a more natural smile. She grabs Jennie’s hand and gives it a tight squeeze before walking towards the entrance.

The music inside is low. Not classical, but elevator; synthesized jazz that makes Jennie want to cover her ears at first.

“What is this all about by the way?” Jennie asks as they edge to the door. The doorman looks at both of them, then lets them through with a curt smile at Rosie.

“Dunno. But Jane said it was important.”

“You weren't listening?” Jennie says, her voice flat.

“Hey! I’m a very busy woman, and in my defense - half the stuff that comes out of Jane’s mouth is--”

“What, Rosie?”

“Ah!” Rosie turns to face Jane who is side by side with Lisa. Both of them look amazing, not that Jennie would expect anything else; but wow. “I was saying how important this event was for, uh, my career - and that you said so yourself!”

Jane sighs and places her fingers on the bridge of her nose. “I said that the event wasn’t that important, but might be good for publicity given that TWICE will be here. Nayeon is friends with the owner.”

Rosie’s mouth goes slack. “TWICE?”

“Did that conversation even register with you?” Lisa asks, her smiling widening to show the perfect, white lines of her teeth.

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