Date Five

427 27 0


Place: Lisa, Jane (and Rosie's) apartment

Time: May 11th, 8:00 pm

Yelp: N/A | Date: 5/5 golden rings

It's very sudden.

Rosie swings by the practice, all smiley and has this sort of glow about her. Tells her that Lisa and Jane are engaged and there is this party and if maybe, maybe, Jennie could attend with her.

And Jennie isn't sure why it's sudden, but it is. She doesn't really know Lisa and Jane, which is probably why. In fact they've only all spoken a few times, but she's happy for them. Really happy.

Rosie's happy too, though she tries to play it cool. Rolls her eyes when they get all doey eyed, scrunches her nose.

"They're happy," Jennie notes, watching the two in the corner of the room. It's an engagement party, but there really aren't many people here. Family, mostly - a few friends who Rosie talks with but doesn't seem particularly close to. It does give Jennie a good chance to look at Rosie's apartment. There are photos everywhere, nice furniture in some places, tacky in others. She wonders who picks what out.

"Yeah," Rosie says. Jane brings a small piece of some appetizer to Lisa's mouth, and Lisa blushes before eating it. "Also totally gross. Imagine living with this." Rosie's lips tilt up and--

"Are you crying?"

Rosie sniffs in. "What? Crying? No. If I'm crying it's because they're totally lame." She turns to look at Jennie, her jaw set and locked. And still, there is a smile.

Jennie bites her lip to stifle the up and coming laughter, covering her mouth. Really, it's cute.

"What's so funny?" Jennie hears from behind her, and when she looks to where Jane and Lisa were she finds nothing. She turns to then see Jane.

"Nothing!" Rosie blurts out.

"She was crying."

"I hate you."

Jane giggles into her hand. "You know what happens to liars, right, Rosie?"

"Ugh, " Rosie rolls her eyes. "I'm going to get tofu bites. Want any?" She turns to Jennie, and for some reason the whole thing makes her blush. It's the smallest thing, and yet...

Jennie clears her throat. "No."

"Fine! More for Rosie," she winks and the brief sentiment is ruined. Rosie prances off leaving Jennie with Jane.

"So..." Jennie ventures, "um, who proposed?" she knows that it was Lisa already, but --

"Both of us." Jennie quirks her brow. She distinctly remembers Rosie telling her that it was Lisa. "I knew Lisa was going to propose, so I told her that if she proposed I would say yes - and then she proposed."

"Oh - I," she twirls a strand of hair with her finger. So weird. "How'd you know?"

Jane winks, then sighs looking out towards the table that has all of the food. Lisa is back there, now chatting with Rosie about something, her sister is by her side. It's strange how alike they look.

"How are you two doing?" Jane asks.

"Uh - good. Good, I think."

"You're doing good," she states, not a question, but an affirmation of what Jennie just said. And, yes, Jennie likes Jane, but there is no denying that she is exceptionally strange. Then again, she's dating Roseanne Park, who is also exceptionally strange. Hopefully Lisa is at least half as normal as she looks. "It'll be nice to see the two of you at our wedding."

Jennie turns her head to face Jane. "When's that?"

Jane shrugs. "Lisa will want everything to be perfect, so most likely a year or so."

And Jennie gets this pleasant jolt at that, thinking about being with Rosie for a year. Then it's masked by fear because that's a long time and what if something happens.

"You're doing good," Jane repeats as if reading Jennie's mind.

"We're doing good." For only a second Jennie thinks about what it would be like spending her life with Rosie - only a second. It's reasonable, afterall. You shouldn't date someone you don't see a future with, right? She thinks it'd be a good future, a pleasant one.

Rosie walks up, her mouth full and a plate in her hands. "Talking about me?" she says after swallowing. There are crumbs on her chin, and instinctively Jennie wipes them off.

"Maybe. But while you're here--"

"I'm always here. This is my apartment."

"Anyways," Jane continues, "I was meaning to ask - would you want to be my maid of honor?"

Rosie doesn't even tear up, she just goes straight to crying, though she still tries to cover it up. "I - mean. I guess. I knew you would ask, of course," she sniffs in. "Who wouldn't want me as their maid of honor?"

"So that's a yes?"

Rosie hugs her and it's all so ridiculous. But maybe Jennie is ridiculous too since once again she thinks that she could and would gladly spend her life with Rosie.

And they're only five dates in.

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