Date Fourteen

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Place: Jennie (and Rosie’s!) apartment

Time: August 1st, 2016 5:00 pm

Yelp: n/a | Date: ⅘ ...housewarming gifts

Jennie’s wearing red shorts and a loose white tank top. Her hair is tied up and a dab of red paint is on her cheek and she’s only a little bit sweaty. She looks good, flustered; but good. Rosie looks down and spots the one freckle that rests near her mid thigh, then lower before looking back up.

“Okay!” Rosie jumps, she thinks she sees Jennie jump as well. She turns around to see Lisa holding a large box. “That’s the last of it.”

Rosie then remembers that she has a box in her hands as well and has been blatantly staring for no real reason for the last minute and a half. Oh well. It’s not like Jennie doesn’t like it.

“Rosie,” Jane says, walking in from behind Jennie. She gives this coy smile, and Rosie is already burning when she says, “Are you going to come in or do you want another minute to imagine Jennie naked?” Lisa laughs and walks past both Rosie and Jennie.

Jennie blushes, and Rosie can see her throat bob as she swallows in.

“I hate you,” Rosie tosses over her shoulder while walking by.

“We’re just trying to help with the move. You can christen the place when we’re gone - that is if you haven’t already.” Both of the assholes laugh again, though Lisa is a little more discreet about it.

“I hate you, two,” Jennie says, then grabs the box in Rosie’s hands. Her cheeks are still tinted pink, as are Rosie’s.

Thing is; they have christened the place. Every room, multiple times for the most part. If Jane and Lisa weren't here, they’d be christening it again.

Rosie regrets asking for them to help.

“How much more of the room is left?” Rosie asks as she walks closer to Jennie. She licks her thumb and wipes the stray fleck of red paint off of Jennie’s cheek; then snaps her head over towards Jane and glares because she can just feel that Jane is about to say something. It’s a sixth sense.

Jane sucks her lips in and raises her hands, but then Lisa snickers and Jane begins to chuckle as well. Jerks.

The paint sits on Rosie’s thumb, and for a moment she thinks about how she wanted pink for the bedroom, but Jennie liked the beige. They’d compromised with a deep red. Though, Rosie thinks the red is a little too dark now as she looks at her thumb.

Ah, well. In the end it doesn’t matter too much.

“It still needs another coat, I think,” Jennie says, her lips tilted down. “It’s not thick enough.”

“I’ll help and Jane and Lisa can unload the things!” Rosie suggests, and she’s wondering how quiet and quick they can be if the door is locked and maybe--

“Jennie’s been painting all day,” Jane says. “Why don’t I help, and Jennie can start to unload with Lisa.” Rosie turns to Jane and looks at her for a good two minutes.

She decides then that she’ll just kill her.

“Come on.” Jane begins to walk towards the room leaving Rosie with no option but to follow.

When the door shuts behind them, Rosie snaps. “What the hell?”

“Shh,” Jane says then moves towards the bed. She digs under it, and before Rosie gets the chance to ask what the hell she’s up to again, Jane grabs a wrapped up box from underneath the bed. “Think of it as a housewarming gift.”

Rosie eyes her and the box skeptically. If it’s something she’s not willing to give in front of Lisa or Jennie, Rosie’s not sure she wants to open it. “What is it?”

“Open it,” Jane says and passes it over. She winks. Not a good sign.

But Rosie sighs and begins unwrapping it, surprised and relieved when it turns out to be nothing other than kitchen utensils. “Forks?” she asks, with one brow raised.

Jane blanches.

“Oh no,” she says, and at the exact same moment Rosie hears a loud, “Jane!”

“Jane?” Rosie echoes the loud shriek that is definitely coming from Lisa.  She walks out the room and sees Jennie wide-eyed and staring into a box. Lisa’s expression is almost the same except there is more anger than embarrassment.

Rosie walks forward until she can see what’s in the box and oh.


Rosie laughs because what else can she do? It’s funny.

“Jane you fucking-” she snorts in and laughs some more. Hard laughter, like her stomach begins to ache. It’s just--idiot. Jane begins to laugh as well.

“I swear, I thought I grabbed the right box. I’m sorry, Jennie,” Jane says between fits of laughter.

“When did you even get that?” Lisa asks, and then she blushes. “Forget I asked.”

Rosie walks over towards Jennie, who’s a little less shocked and more confused now. “I’ll trade you. I got forks,” Rosie says, staring into the box. She sticks her tongue to the inside of her cheek, thinks about saying that now they have two of each - but Jennie’s already beat red. She’s not completely used to the embarrassment that comes with Jane.

“I--” Jennie stops and chuckles. And Rosie feels something deep in the pit of her stomach. It’s a bittersweet feeling. She’s going to miss living with Jane and Lisa. Her best friends, two of the best people she’s ever met in her entire life. More than that; her family. But at the same time, Rosie’s heart flips when Jennie smiles, and when she rolls her eyes and mutters, “Idiot.”

“Hey!” Rosie says putting both hands on her hips. “I'm innocent,” she pouts and shifts her head to the side.

“Rosie, you’re a lot of things, but innocent isn’t one of them.”

Lisa pokes Jane with her elbow. “She’s not the one who gifted a--”

“ Anyways ,” Jennie interjects, her voice throaty and face red all over again. “I’m getting hungry. What type of pizza should we get?”

“Pineapple,” Rosie answers.

Disgusting. ”

Still, Jennie orders one.

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