Chapter 13: Rival

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Taehyung's shift was almost over that day. After doing his round, he walked back into his office and sat in front of his table where a sparkly birthday card was laid down. He took a seat, then flipped the card back and forth so many times, while his mind wandered elsewhere.

The card was cute and colorful with a rainbow and a unicorn picture on the cover. Jimin was the one who brought it after lunch in the cafeteria that afternoon. It was an invitation to Yoongi's twins' first birthday party.

Yes, their friendship might've gone through a rough patch right now, but Min Yoongi would surely still spare an invitation for him.

As Taehyung recalled, he hadn't even apologized for his rudeness calling Ethan a big baby back then. Maybe he should do it now...

He sighed reluctantly. An adult had to do what an adult had to do. So he got up and trotted to the Cardiology Department and was ready to knock when he vaguely heard Jimin's muffled voice inside.

"..... —-help, please!"

"....—-I won't interfere! ...—-old enough....... —-their own business—-."

Taehyung approached closer.

".... —-but Taehyung—- ....."

Taehyung stopped right in front of the door. His name was mentioned in the conversation.

"Enough, Chim!!" Yoongi's voice was loud enough to be clearly heard outside. "Seokjin... —-suffering.... —-long... Besides... —-Jin and Taehyung or Jin and Ethan, which.... —-you think I would prefer?!"

Taehyung stopped his hand in the air. Well, of course! Ethan was Yoongi's brother-in-law after all. Of course he would pick Ethan's side.

Taehyung snorted. He felt bad enough for eavesdropping, moreover because it was about him. So he scurried away from there. Screw apologies!



Taehyung wore his best clothes that night. He knew that it was just little girls' birthday party, but he knew that Ethan would absolutely be there, that was something inevitable. And Taehyung obviously didn't want to look uglier than him.

Taehyung came late. He spent too much time picking his clothes and worrying about his look. He felt like a high schooler on a first date who wanted to impress his crush. When he arrived, the house was already packed and everyone was already there, from Reine's closest friends and some of Yoongi's closest colleagues in the Cardiologist Department. Many of them came with their families and children.

Taehyung awkwardly approached the birthday girls' who sat on high chairs in between their parents. They wore pretty ruffle tutu dresses and matching cute birthday headbands. "Happy birthday, Sweeties!" He bent over to meet their eye level and handed them the gifts each, who received them cheerfully and then gave him hugs and wet smooches.

"Thank you, Tae." Yoongi nodded with his usual facade, meanwhile Reine welcomed him with a much warmer and friendlier greeting.

"Make yourself at home, Taehyung. There's fruit punch over there, cupcakes, and some petit four. Help yourself, okay?" She smiled brightly, adding charm to her beautiful face.

Taehyung nodded and smiled back. His eyes then scanned the room, looking for Seokjin, when Jimin waved his hand from the sofa in the corner of the living room. "Tae, here!"

Taehyung approached them and Hoseok moved a bit to save him a place to sit. "Where's Jin Hyung?" He asked. Jimin gloomily pointed out with his chin towards the kitchen, where Jin was having a happy and lively conversation with Ethan... Just the two of them. And Seokjin smiled at him so brightly... And laughed so wholeheartedly... And listen to him attentively....

Taehyung felt a sharp pang in his heart, the look on his face was visibly changed to grim. He clenched his jaw and got up. "I'm gonna get some punch." He couldn't handle the sight.

"Some punch?!!" The word alerted Jimin.

"The fruit punch, Chim! Tsk!" Taehyung scolded, making Hoseok burst into a pit of giggles and pushed Jimin's forehead lightly with his index finger.

"Aah... That punch." Jimin grinned sheepishly then. He was worried too much.

Taehyung lingered on the buffet table longer than necessary. Some of the fellow doctors and nurses who knew him greeted him, to which he responded out of courtesy. His mind was elsewhere and he was conflicted about whether to stay longer to see what happened between Seokjin and Ethan, or to excuse himself to go home earlier. His internal debate was cut short with an announcement from the host to start the party. Everyone now gathered around the main table where the prettiest twins were currently sitting in front of the birthday cake and ready to blow their candle.

Taehyung stood as farthest away from the little crowd.

"Taehyung..." That sweet gentle voice reached his ear, and the next thing he knew was that particular scent of fresh shampoo invading his nostril. He turned his head to find Seokjin by his side....

The audience started to sing Happy Birthday, loudly and cheerfully... Meanwhile Taehyung was in his own world, mesmerized by the man beside him. Their eyes met and all he could convey in it was pain and longing... He missed Seokjin so much...

Seokjin patted his shoulder lightly and smiled at him.... And then, another figure entered Taehyung's peripheral vision....

Ethan came and stood right beside Seokjin....

Taehyung quickly turned his head away and clenched his jaw.

If there was a man who was so perfect for his dearest Seokjin hyung, Taehyung knew full well that the man was indeed Ethan. He was good inside and out. Obviously, no one would have any complaints about his physical appearance, but no one would also complain about his traits. Ethan had a calm nature. He was neat and pleasant to be with. He came from a stable and happy family background.

He was the complete opposite of Taehyung!


Taehyung didn't know how he made it through the night. Jimin and Hoseok helped a lot to cheer him on. Making so much effort with dry jokes and engaging him in all of their random conversations. Tried hard to divert Taehyung's attention which kept straying on Seokjin and Ethan, who were—-again—-back in the kitchen alone.

Taehyung grabbed a can of beer from the corner table. And another.... And then another.... And another...

When the party was over and the guests started to bid goodbye, Jimin ordered a designated driver for the tipsy Taehyung and sent him home. On the way home, though, Taehyung asked the driver to stop by a small convenience store to buy a pack of cigarettes and more beer before he finally went home.

A drunk man slouching lazily on a synthetic fur rug in his bedroom, with another can of beer in his left hand and a lit cigarette in his right, were obviously not a good combo. Taehyung's consciousness slipped away into a micro sleep after he was tired enough of pitying himself...

And the burned cigarette on his fingers fell onto the rug, lit up the synthetic fur violently and immediately....

And the drunk man remained unconscious...






Don't attack me! 😆 He's alive and well...



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