Chapter 35: Epilogue

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The Saturday afternoon was sunny and the orange sun almost set below the horizon. The last sunlight breached through the window panes of Seokjin's and Taehyung's cozy home. Inside, every room was now adorned with warm and welcoming lighting. Vases of fresh-cut flowers were placed on the tables for a wedding celebration and intimate dinner tonight. This would only be a small gathering with their family and close friends.

The aroma of delightful Korean cuisine lingered in the air, courtesy of Seokjin and his mother who had already come since morning to help the two newlyweds prepare all the food and decorate the house. The dining table, draped in a white tablecloth, showcased an array of dishes prepared with care, creating a feast for the senses.

Finally, the doorbell rang and the guests started to show up one by one. Min Yoongi and his wife Reine, with their gorgeous twins were the first ones to come. Then Hoseok and his girlfriend—-will be getting married soon as well. Then Namjoon with his wife and adorable children. His parents came right after them. Jungkook came after them with his new partner. The last one was Jimin and his elder sister.

Seokjin's grandfather welcomed them all cheerfully, and then engaged them in light conversation, while the hosts of the house were still busy preparing things. When the newlyweds finally joined them, the guests showered the two with congratulatory embraces. Laughter and animated conversations filled the living room. All of them brought beautifully wrapped wedding gifts, each one a token of love and well-wishes for both Seokjin and Taehyung who received the gifts with so much gratitude.

As the evening progressed, they all gathered around the dinner table. Heartfelt toasts were delivered to honor the newlyweds. Each one celebrated Seokjin's and Taehyung's journey and well-wishes for their exciting chapter ahead. The room echoed with joyous chatter and clinking of glasses. Just right at that moment, a bell sound from the front door interrupted them. Seokjin got up and excused himself to open it.

His smile bloomed when he saw their last guests for the night. "Welcome to our home, Abeonim, Eomeonim! I'm glad you can make it." He bowed deeply at his new in-laws.

"I'm sorry we're late..." Kim Ha-Yun cheerfully and excitedly wanted to meet her new family member. Her excitement and joy radiated from her lit face and jittery body, and that excitement soon spread to Seokjin who welcomed her happily.


"Seokjina.... Can I call you Seokjina?" She offered an awkward hug to her new son-in-law.

"Well of course, Eomeonim!" Seokjin hugged her briefly and respectfully.

"Oh I'm so happy to meet you!" she said.

"Likewise, Eomeonim."

They had met once or twice a long time ago, of course as Taehyung's friend. But it was different now. And Seokjin was grateful for her warm acceptance. But as he turned to face Kim Jung-Hwa, the man stayed cold and aloof.

"We just came to see how you two live." He said nonchalantly to maintain his dignity.

Seokjin chuckled as he found him quite funny. "Of course, Abeonim. Thank you for coming. I really hope you approve of it. Please come in, we've saved two seats for you at the dinner table." He guided them to the dining room.

Kim Jung-Hwa looked around at this rather small house—-compared to his own—-but cozy and nice nevertheless. The interior was simple but looked elegant and well-placed. With Seokjin's actual wealth, that doctor definitely lived humbly here.

As the three arrived at the dining room, Taehyung was surprised to see his own parents. He stood and froze in his place. "D-dad... Miss Ha—-Mom....??"

Miss Ha-yun immediately approached her son, hugged him, and congratulated him wholeheartedly, while Seokjin introduced his own mother and grandpa to Kim Jung-Hwa. They exchanged pleasantries and Kim Jung-Hwa apologized for their tardiness. Seokjin then introduced them all to each other. After everyone returned to their respective seats, soon the atmosphere was back to normal and the happy chatter continued effortlessly.

The dinner resumed with so much cheerfulness and love. They shared stories and laughter, renewed the bonds of friendship and family. The evening was filled with warmth and connection and eventually concluded with sweet hugs before their goodbyes that night.

The warmth and the heartfelt gestures of their friends and family created an evening that Seokjin and Taehyung would cherish as they embarked on the beautiful journey together.



~ FIN ~



Author's note:

I hope you like the story. Thank you for voting & giving comments.
Take care & be happy!




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