Chapter 16: The Awkward Lunch

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For the nth time since Jimin persuaded Taehyung to have lunch together again at the cafeteria, Taehyung finally agreed today. He had been quite concerned about Taehyung since the birthday party with Seokjin and Ethan yesterday night, but Taehyung didn't want to share anything with him, still retracted himself deep into his shell. Well, at least they were going to have lunch together today like they used to. That was a step ahead, even though it was only a baby step.

The cafeteria bustled with the sounds of clattering dishes and animated chatter. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and each other's company. After queueing for some time, they eventually got their food and headed to their usual table in the far corner of the room.

When they arrived with their food trays, Hoseok was already there first. He was surprised and welcomed Taehyung cheerfully, saying how happy he was to see Tae there, and expecting Taehyung to continue eating with them again like before.

"And you looked haggard and tired... You should eat more, Tae!" Added Hoseok.

Taehyung just smiled, while Jimin patted his shoulder affectionately. They settled in to enjoy the lunch and watched the endless stream of doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff come and go.

"I heard you two will perform the first surgery of your humongous project tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow morning," Jimin replied, while Taehyung just nodded in silence.

"Good luck, then!"

"Thanks, Hyung!"

By that time, a food tray was placed on the table, making them surprised. Then the man who brought it sat right beside Hoseok.

"Hi!" He greeted simply and flatly, then started to eat, focused solely on his food.

"Good to see you here, Hyung!" Hoseok smiled at Seokjin, but Jimin was awkwardly eyeing Jin and Taehyung back and forth. Afraid of Taehyung's reaction to Seokjin's sudden presence there. Jimin didn't want Taehyung to run away again after all his efforts to pull him out of his shell. But Taehyung seemed oddly calm and still ate undisturbed. Okay, then maybe everything was just fine. He was just worried too much.

"You don't eat out today, Hyung?" Hoseok softened his question, because Taehyung was there, though what he really meant was 'you don't have a blind date again this noon, Hyung?'. He knew Seokjin would understand the meaning behind it.

"No." Seokjin's answer came out short.

Jimin let out a relieved sigh. But as if the atmosphere wasn't awkward enough between the four of them, the fifth person came with his food tray in hand.

"You're all here?" He grinned, then decided to take a seat next to Jimin.

"Yoongi Hyung?" Great! Everyone is here! Jimin smiled awkwardly. His best friend, the man whom his best friend loved, and the other man who tried to matchmaking the man whom his best friend loved with his own brother-in-law. He just hoped Taehyung was okay. He glanced at him. Well, Taehyung still seemed calm and ate well. Was the food that good or what?!

They didn't talk much, though. Silence sometimes fitted better than awkward conversation. They would need more time to patch everything to be back like before, but this awkward luncheon was at least as good as it was for their current situation, after weeks of cold war.



Taehyung sat in his red car at the hospital parking lot right after his shift over that day. Waiting. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, but he scarcely noticed it. All he could think about was the moment when he would finally see him again. The anticipation was killing him. He bit his lips and his hand was sweaty and fidgeting on the steering wheel. He felt like a teenage boy waiting for his first date.

He found himself constantly checking his window for any sign of his arrival. He tried to stay calm and collected, but his nerves were getting the better of him. The mere thought of being with him again made Taehyung giddy with joy and happiness.

A knock was heard on the glass window and a smiley face peeked inside. Taehyung jolted and quickly opened the lock.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I had to complete some paperwork so my patient can be discharged ASAP." Seokjin got inside and made himself comfortable in the passenger seat and put on the safety belt.

"It's okay." Taehyung smiled and started his car. They soon hit the road. "I'll cook dinner tonight, Hyung. What do you want?"

Seokjin grinned, remembering Taehyung's skill in cooking. That man was better at using a scalpel on the operating table than a chef's knife in the kitchen. "I'll happily eat whatever you cook, Tae." He finally said, appreciating Taehyung's effort to prove himself to him. And he couldn't be happier. So far, things had gone beyond his wildest dreams.

"Umm... I'll make something simple, then." He said, and Seokjin's mind started wondering what would that be? Hopefully the 'something simple' was not just a simple instant ramyeon, right?! He was starving and if Taehyung only cooked him ramyeon, Seokjin swore he would eat him instead!

"Hyung... um... I felt guilty towards Jimin at lunch today... He knew something, though I don't know how much. I heard him talking to Yoongi hyung once, about me and you. And if Jimin knows, then Hoseok hyung knows too. But I haven't told any of them anything at all..."

"If you want to share anything with them, I won't stop you." Seokjin simply said. But what to be told? That they are currently trying to know each other on a different level as Taehyung asked Seokjin last night? Or the whole story from A to Z, which would take so long to explain?

"... Ugh... I'm not clever with words..." Taehyung reconsidered his decision. "How about you? Will you say anything to them, or to Yoongi hyung?"

Nothing was certain yet between him and Taehyung. They didn't even consider themselves dating just yet. So, "No. Nothing yet..." He replied.

"Okay..." Then Taehyung guessed they both would just leave it as it was for the time being.

Seokjin acted carefully. He only agreed to find out together what these feelings Taehyung felt for him exactly. Was Taehyung only afraid of losing him as a hyung or a protector, or were his feelings deeper than that? Only weeks ago, everyone knew that Taehyung was as straight as an electricity pole! That was why Seokjin didn't even agree to Taehyung's dating request. He didn't want Taehyung to regret anything. So, they should take it slow.



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