Chapter 14: Miss Ha-Yun

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Taehyung had just finished a morning surgery when he arrived back at his department. And the first thing he saw was a sophisticated stylish lady in red stilettos and color-coordinated mini dress, waving at him from the nurse station. She flashed a wide smile on her face. Taehyung let out a long breath and approached her reluctantly.

"Miss Ha-Yun, what are you doing here?" He inquired rather coldly.

"Can I not visit my own son at his workplace?" She asked back with a sweet sugary smile.

'Miss Ha-Yun' was indeed the way Taehyung called her, as Kim Ha-Yun preferred herself to always be called by her maiden name by everyone. Taehyung used to call her "Mom" when he was much younger. And as he grew older, he called her 'Miss Ha-Yun' as a mockery. To some point, Taehyung got used to that nickname and never called her any other way ever since.

Kim Ha-Yun bid goodbye and waved coquettishly to the nurses on duty. "I'll see you again, Darlings!"

"Thank you for the cookies, Miss Ha-Yun, we'll surely enjoy them!" They smiled back and bowed, ready to devour all the sweet treats that Ha-Yun always brought generously for them every time she came here.

"Tsk! Don't mention that!" Kim Ha-Yun winked playfully.

Taehyung didn't wait for her and walked into his office. "What procedures are you doing now?" He asked blatantly as she caught up to him. His mother was a regular visitor to the Cosmetic Surgery Department in this hospital. She did all sorts of procedures to maintain her youth and beauty.

Kim Ha-Yun ignored the harsh remark. "Let's have lunch, Tae. We haven't had lunch together in a long time. And you look so haggard. Are you even okay?"

Taehyung ignored the question and grabbed his car key. "Let's go, then!"


Lunches or dinners with Kim Ha-Yun were more like meaningless rituals that they did from time to time. Kim Ha-Yun was mostly the talker, and if she asked Taehyung something, her son would answer perfunctorily. This noon though, was rather unusual, because Taehyung was the one who started the conversation out of the blue.

"Why did you stay married to Dad?"

"Huh?" Kim Ha-Yun stopped chewing her salad. Her brows furrowed. Where would this conversation go? "He's good to me. Why would I divorce him?" She finally answered and shrugged.

Taehyung knew his mother was not exactly the right person to ask for advice. But he asked anyway. "Why did you marry him in the first place?"

His mother furrowed again. What was wrong with her son today? "Um, everything I want is in him and he also gave me all I need, I guess... love, money, home, stability..."

Taehyung went silent now.

"Do you have anyone you want to marry, Tae?"

"Huh?! Noo! What do you mean?!"

"You asked me about this thing..."

"Just asking."

Kim Ha-Yun looked concerned. "Are you okay, Tae?"

"I'm not, but so what?"

"I'm here now if you wanna tell me or ask me anything." She said softly.

"Do you love him back?"

"Your father? I do. Of course, I do love him. And back then when we were still young, I was madly in love with him." she added.

"How does it feel to love someone then?"

"How does it feel? Umm... you miss him all the time, it hurts sometimes... You feel happy just by the sight of him... You are afraid of losing him to others, because you wanna have him all to yourself... You feel empty without him, and simply need him just so you can go on with your life... You can't imagine living your life without him... Tae... are you okay...?"

Taehyung clenched his jaw and lowered his gaze to his plate. He already stopped eating for a while now. "... what should I do.... if I feel all sort of that about someone...?" He whispered.

"Oh, Honey...." Kim Ha-Yun covered her mouth with her palm. "You're in love with someone!" That was more of a definite statement than a question.

"But I've made so many mistakes and caused so much pain... And it might've been too late for me now..."

Kim Ha-Yun blinked. She thought for a while. She was never used to giving advice or consolation, but it seemed like her son was in need of it. "But if she loves you back, I'm sure she will forgive you.... And if you love her that much, then you should at least try to get her, right?"

"It's not a she, it's a he..." Taehyung gulped, waiting for his mother's reaction.

Kim Ha-Yun raised her eyebrows in surprise. Her mouth gaped and she was lost for words.

"And you've met him before. He's one of my close friends."

"I... ugh... well, um.. It... it was surprising... considering you, you know, had been a playboy your whole life...." She let out an awkward chuckle. "Are you, are you sure about this...? About him...? You know..."

"I was thinking for the past weeks... He had always given me all I needed all along, without me even realizing it... And I was thinking, I want him to keep me giving that. I don't want him to share that with anyone. But then I thought, that was not love, that was my selfish and possessiveness talking..." Taehyung contemplated.

Kim Ha-Yun nodded in agreement.

"But I also feel what you've told me earlier," Taehyung continued. "I always come to him if I need anything, whether help, advice, or simply someone to listen to my rant... He always comforts me and calms me down even in my storm... I need him to make me sane and grounded... I simply need him just so I can go on with my life... He's my wall... my anchor... He is all the right things in my messy life... and... I... can't imagine.. uh... living my life without him... Thinking of losing him to someone else... makes me go insane....! I can't even...." He choked. His lips were trembling and he fought hard not to melt down right there, but he couldn't stop some drops of tears from falling down.

"Oh Honey...." Kim Ha-Yun stretched out her hand and caressed Taehyung's hand on the table. "My Darling.... You really should tell him your feelings then. Go get him! Win him back! You've always been a fighter, Tae!" She wept for her son. "I... uh... I know I haven't been a good mother to you, Honey..." She cleared her throat. "But uh... if he's good to you... I will support you fully this time, I promise... And if there's anything I can do for you..."

Taehyung wiped his face. "I guess, there's one thing...." He said.

"Whatever you need, Darling..."

"I need to redesign my bedroom, but I don't have time to take care of it and I don't know who to contact..."


"It was on fire last night..."

"OH TAE!!! What happened???" Kim Ha-Yun was almost hysterical.

"Only a small accident, don't worry." He then proceeded to explain it all, from the lit cigarette, the burning rug, and the smoke alarm which thankfully got activated, and poured water all over his body and his bedroom, waking him up on time, extinguishing the fire on the rug, and leaving him and all in there soaking wet.

"Leave it to me, Darling! I'll find a contractor and arrange them all! The last interior designer I hired to redecorate the house was the best! I'll contact her." She assured her son. "But... where will you stay while your apartment is repaired, then?"



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