Chapter 24: Dinner Party

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Taehyung and Seokjin's blooming relationship didn't go unnoticed by their close friends. Though both Taehyung and Jin's interaction were really subtle at the hospital and didn't expose too much public display of affection, the changes in their dynamic were there. The soft smiles, the stolen gaze, the little care. And some other obvious and visible telltales, just like bruised lips and also...

"Wild night?" Jimin eyed Taehyung curiously with a flicker of naughtiness in his eyes.


Jimin pointed at the purple blotches on Taehyung's neck. Taehyung turned on his cellphone to see himself on its camera. His eyes then widened.

"Love marks? Rrraaw, she must be wild!" He fished and made an exaggerated voice. "Or... is it a he?" Jimin whispered, emphasizing the gender, smirked, and winked. Making Taehyung panic and flustered.

"Aren't you going to say something to this best friend of yours Tae?"

"Morning....!" A senior doctor walked into the office with a coffee in his hand, interrupting their one-sided conversation.

"Morning Doc!" Jimin greeted back and Taehyung nodded politely at her.

She smiled at them, but then took a look at Taehyung once more. "Hmm... wild night, Doctor Kim?" She grinned knowingly. "Oh, young lives...!" Then hummed.

Taehyung blushed even more, while Jimin laughed at him. Feeling uncomfortable, Taehyung buttoned his shirt up to his neck and rummaged through his locker to find a tie. Better to avoid more questions for the time being.

There was guilt in the corner of Taehyung's heart. But it was just not the right time yet to tell Jimin about him and Seokjin. So, he would let things be like this for a while.


And that didn't just end there. Seokjin also faced a similar thing: an interrogation from a sharp psychic, Min Yoongi.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" Yoongi followed Seokjin from the cafeteria into his office. He opened a gummy bear and then chewed it casually.

"W-what?!!" Seokjin was startled at this out-of-the-blue, direct, and blunt accusation. He sat on his chair and pretended to focus on the monitor before him.

"Taehyung! You two fucked, didn't you?" Min Yoongi laughed seeing Seokjin's speechless confession. Seokjin's red face alone was a dead giveaway, he couldn't deny. He didn't even have to say anything, Min Yoongi already knew.

"How did you know?" Seokjin asked embarrassedly.

"Oh come on! Taehyung looked at you like an idiot puppy lately!"

"Yoong!" Seokjin glared at him, but Yoongi giggled some more, taking a chair in front of Seokjin.

"Things are going well, then?" There was relief in Yoongi's voice. Seokjin smirked a little, but still said nothing.

"So, when will you tell us?" Yoongi pushed through.

Seokjin shrugged a little. "Later." He said shortly, eyes still on the computer.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Huhh!" He spat and threw the gummy bear's wrap at Seokjin.

"Hey! You really need to learn to respect your boss, Yoong!" Seokjin rolled his eyes and threw the wrap at the nearby bin.

"Promote me to be a Chief Department, Boss! Otherwise I'll spill your secret to everyone in the hospital!"

Seokjin burst out into a pit of laughter. "You asshole! Get out of here!" He shooed him. Yoongi giggled and got out of Seokjin's office.

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