Fleeting thoughts; Roman

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Inspired by: N/A

Ship: None but can be interpreted as such(Remus and Roman are BROTHERS.)

• Words including A/N: 871
• No plot
• I wrote this instead of sleeping LMAO

• Blood
• Pills
• Hurt no comfort
• Suicide
• Overdose
• Self harm
• Implied death
Nothing ends beautifully. It's only made beautiful by the glorified words of those around it of those who witnessed the great fall. Scars adorned their body in ways too peculiar to be accidents.

"They're from accidents! Tis' but a flesh wound!"

They've heard it all before. Even if the princes white clothes stained red right near the wrists, nobody asked.

They all knew but never had enough proof. They would never get him to admit it.

They didn't need to did they? It revealed itself.

"Roman, please- open your fucking door!"

That was the first time in a very long time Patton had cursed.

"Roman I beg you, open this door! I love you, please..."

It was the first time in a very long time Logan had expressed emotions.

"I never hated you."

It was the first time in a very long time Janus spoke the truth.

"I've always loved our play fighting, Roman. You're my brother- please- fuck! Open the fucking door!"

It was the first time in a very long time Remus wasn't full of pride.

"Roman Princey Sanders, I have felt the pain you're going to and I swear to fucking god this isn't the way it ends."

It was the first time in a very long time Virgil had opened up.

Why had they waited so long? It was so obvious and yet everyone danced around the topic the way Roman used to dance in his room.

The waterfall of tears reminded closely to the waterfalls in the imagination.

The door that had been broken open looked close to what had happened before when the imagination had lost control in which the door had to be broken to be fixed.

The blood staining the floor looked so Roman. Red was always his color. Red was always what he came back from his adventures with. It was what now adorned his skin.

Watching in horror as Roman dropped the empty orange bottle that so closely resembled someone familiar.

The first to break through was Virgil.

Struggling to calm the prince down who had begun to mutter apologies. The prince who had begun hyperventilating and choking on his own tears.

It didn't take very long for the others to attempt to make their way to the prince. The crowding didn't help. Worry was all there was surrounding everyone.

Black spots dotted and danced around the princes vision. Someone was on the phone. Someone had a med-kit. Someone told sweet lies and another told nostalgic stories.

He lay on the floor in someone's arms. Speaking and trying to get them to breathe. He felt content despite it all. Nostalgia and euphoria mixed together and the other relaxed.

No longer did he fele the need to be afraid. It was never his thing anyways. It was always Virgil's. Roman likes thinks Virgil knew that.

"No, no— no! Roman! Focus! Fuck!"

The pain from the self inflicted wounds had shifted into a distant throb. The gentleness of the voices around him made him feel oh so tired. The only aggression in the voices was the worry that filled them. Roman didn't blame them.

Roman blinked with struggle. The lights made his head hurt but never enough to go past a gentle throbbing feeling.

He didn't mind the lights. He never liked the dark. Nobody knew about the fear. His pride swallowed him whole and to admit to he feared something so small as the dark made his pride cringe. It made his ego bruise. It made Roman feel more afraid.

Many things lurked in the darkness. Monsters. Monsters with claws and sharp teeth. Monsters that beckoned him further into his unhealthy behavior. Monsters that craved and wanted more of Roman's blood. Each drop of it laced with pain

Roman watched the one closest to his side as the darkness from before faded in and out. It had slowly begun to envelope him by now. He was...okay with this. He wouldn't cry. He can't cry. Hee Roman! Princes don't cry.

Despite that, he could feel the side wipe tears away that the prince himself hadn't realized fell.

He shakily grabbed onto their hand, desperate for the comfort as the darkness and tiredness had slowly overtook him.

The chatter and panic of those around him had begun to fade and disappear into nothing but buzz. Finally. It was quiet again. As quiet as it could be when his thoughts seemed to constantly race millions of miles per hour.

He could hardly keep his eyes open. He was scared. He could feel the warmth fade and the dark become stronger. He hated the cold.

The bright overhead lights were nothing more than flickers of his ever-darkening vision. He was scared. He hated the dark. He wanted light. He missed the light.

With drooping eyelids, the last of his energy left with his fleeting thoughts. Only one remained clear.

"I never liked the dark."

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