t h i r t y t h r e e

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"Tongue-tied Teabags," I read aloud, furrowing my eyebrows. "Why would one ever need that?"

"I've found them quite useful. They prevent the drinker from talking for ten minutes, which is great if you're having tea with someone insufferable — I've used it on my mother a few times," Sirius explains with a glint in his eyes.

"Remind me never to accept a cup of tea from you," I laugh, putting them back before picking up another item.

"Be careful with those." Sirius warns.

"Why, what do they do?"

"It's Screaming Drops. Guess what they do?"

I shrug, "Makes you scream?"

He shakes his head, "they scream when you drop them. They're great for causing a distraction. Will you hand me some?"

I hand him the one I'm holding and pick up a few more.

"Unless you want to check out more items, I think I'm done in here." He examines the basket he's holding.

It is the third Saturday of October, the first Hogsmeade visit of the year, so the shops are packed with students, making it near impossible to move around. The prospect of more space to move around is tempting. "I'm good. How about we meet up outside? I need some air," I tell him, resisting the urge to kiss him goodbye before turning towards the door.

Once outside, the cold wind prompts me to button up my coat. I glance at the display in the window of the neighbouring shop, a potion equipment store, though I have no interest. The moments tick by as I twirl around, just as someone exits the shop, narrowly avoiding a collision by holding out my arms.

"Watch where you're going, Davies," Snape sneers and moves away from me.

"Maybe if you looked up from that nose of yours, you could see where you were going, Snivellus," Sirius retorts before I have a chance to say anything. I give him a look, telling him to let it go because I don't want any trouble, but he ignores me and puts an arm around my shoulders while glaring at Snape.

The Slytherin's eyes shift between the two of us as he connects the dots. He smirks as if he finds the sight of us amusing.

"Oh my, your friends busy, Black? I haven't seen Lupin around, is it that time of the month?" He taunts, and I feel Sirius stir next to me. I quickly reach out and hold his hand to prevent him from grabbing his wand. "Aww, need your girlfriend to hold your leach, do you?"

I clench my jaw, but before I can respond,  Sirius interjects, his tone sharp, "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Enjoy your little rendezvous while it lasts. Davies, don't be surprised when he moves on to someone else. Black's not known for commitment."

"Walk away, Snivellus."

Snape continues to glare at Sirius. Neither of them moving.

I finally break the silence and loosen my grip on Sirius. "Sorry for bumping into you, Snape. We'll be going now."

Reluctantly, Sirius follows as I begin to move away.

"What was that about?" I ask when Snape is out of earshot.

Sirius looks tense. "Just Snape being a tosser."

"That's nothing new. I meant with you and him, though. I know you don't like each other, but I just bumped into him. There was no reason for a duel."

"He's a git."

"That has been established. I mean—."

"Eileen, just leave it."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄 ☆ Sirius Black ✔️Where stories live. Discover now