Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

After watching the movie in the cinema, Arya slipped happily towards your car, her bright smile never fading, she was a spitting image of Mikey,
" I loved her magic hair! And her Pascal! But I hated Mother Gothel, she was mean,"

You couldn't help but chuckle and help her in the car, making sure she was strapped in well,
" How about when we get back, I'll make you a dress based off Rapunzel, shall we?"

" YAY!!"

You laughed at how excited she was and got in the car. When you drove back to the apartment, you saw that some of the supplies had been dropped off and kept beside the door. You had requested one of your business men to do so.

She helped you carry in the long, rolls of coloured fabric and pointed to the purple ones that she would like for the dress. Whilst you cut out the pieces for the dress after getting her measurements, she drew what she wanted the dress to look like.

You nodded, smiling at her from watching you saw pieces of fabric and other materials on the mannequin. The dress took at least an hour, since she was a small kid, it didn't take long.

When it was finished, her eyes practically had stars in from just looking at it. The dress was puffy and a mixture of purple shades with slight pink on the see through sleeves. It had the same embroidery on that Rapunzel wore.

You gently took it off the mannequin and helped her get dressed in it. You watched her run around happily, twirling around at some points. You tidied up everything and neatly placed it outside beside the door, ready to be collected once again.

She ran up to you and hugged your leg,
" Thank you, Y/n! You're the best babysitter in the world!"

You knelt down to her height and hugged her back. As if on cue - the door opened to see Mikey's girlfriend. She had long, brunette hair that was tied into two braids and emerald green eyes, the same as Arya's.

She sent you a small smile as Arya ran up to her,
" Mama! Y/n took me to the cinema to watch a new Disney movie then she made me a dress from the same princess! Can we have her again, please, please, please?!"

She just laughed at her daughter and picked her up, setting her on her hip. She admired the dress and then looked at you,
" I will give you extra for the dress, no doubt this would be really expensive from how detailed it is,"

You shook your head, grabbing your things,
" No it's fine, you don't need to. She has been a delight to babysit, please, keep the money to yourself",

She thanked you and handed you the money, letting Arya run away and into her room to play. She placed the shopping on the table and gave you a card,
" It's true, that Eren has a child. He put him in the adoption centre when he was born after the mother died. I work at that adoption centre. If you want her, she is only 2 months old and goes by the name of Zephyr Yeager,"

You didn't let your heartbreak show and thanked her before leaving. A few tears escaped when you walked to your car, your lip quivering from holding back sobs. You drove back to his hideout and walked past everybody, wiping your tears on the way.

You barged through the doors, seeing him sat on the usual chair whilst cleaning a gun. He looked up at you and frowned when he saw your tears, immediately placing the gun down beside him.

" When were you going to tell me you had a child? A two month year old girl, at that?"

His face dropped as the colour on his face drained. He was about to speak but you shut up him with a slap to the face, the sound echoing in the room. Some of the people in the room silently chuckled at each other from the action, surprised you had the guts to do such a thing.

You yelled, your voice cracking at every word,
" Every time I'm with you my heart always ends up broken! Why do I love you?!"

He stepped forward, trying to stop you from lashing out on him, and soon enough you broke down into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, letting you let out your emotions.

When you calmed down, he explained,
" When I left, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me, so I relied on alcohol. I slept with a few women, all were one night stands and just a few months ago, one of them ended up being pregnant. She died at childbirth,"

He continued, kissing your head,
" All because I loved you and was lost without you,"

You gave him the card that Mikey's girlfriend gave you,
" She's here, and is it bad that I want to adopt her as my own? I have the money and I can always make time, I can't just let her grow up wondering why her parents gave her up,"

He was silent for a moment, hesitating. He gave her up because he knew he wasn't worthy of raising a child, especially with the gang that he's in and all the enemies out there. However, nobody other than his friends know about your relationship, meaning you can protect her in a separate household and he can visit.

" Fine, you can do so, but promise me one thing.
Never bring her here or near here. If my rivals and enemies find out about you and her, you will be the biggest targets and possibly try and kill you for revenge,"

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