Chapter 2 - First Day

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TW: Strong Language and Long Paragraphs


George's POV:
As I woke up I felt fucking dead, like I wanted to cry but I kept myself together, went into the shower and got dressed into formal-ish clothes. I checked my phone for the time


I was calm as I saw the time and began taking my time for me to start the day, I got into my car, started the engine and drove off to the nearest McDonald's.
I ordered a Big Mac and a large fry with some coffee from the Starbucks I saw across. I drove to my job and glanced at the signs that were glowing and bigger than yesterday..

Dream's POV:

As I waited for my new assistant to come in I opened my drawer and got out a small stack of papers for the brunette to stamp and sign. I couldn't help but imagine what attire he is gonna wear today. I imagined him in a cute hoodie and with black sweatpant.. Wait.. what am I thinking about.. he's my assistant not my boyfriend..

I paused for a minute. I jumped when the door to my office opened slowly to see my assistant. I smiled warmly at him trying to make him feel less nervous because I saw him go in shaking a bit.

George's POV:

I stepped inside his office rather nervous than scared. I gathered up the courage to turn the door knob and open it slowly. Seeing the blond sat at his office chair and desk. He gave me a warm smile which did calm me down a bit.
He guided me to one of the chairs facing him and told me to sit down, I listened and did what he said. He sat back at his chair and grabbed a small stack of papers. "Stamp and signs these for me, okay?" He said gently and made me smile which made him smile too. He showed me my office and it connects to his. I walked to my office and closed the door behind me. Sitting down on my chair.
I pulled my phone out to chat my best friend that I got a job, finally.

After a while, I actually started doing work. Stamping, signing, stamping, signing. That went on for about half an hour. It was lunch so I was hungry and I tried to get my bag but.. I left my bag.. I'm fucking stupid.. what kind of moron would do that?!. I left my wallet and other stuff I needed so I had no choice to ask my boss for money.. ugh.. embarrassing..

I dragged my feet on the carpeted floor and opened the door to his office. I slowly walked in with the papers he gave me since I finished them ten minutes ago. I placed it on his desk and he looked up on me smiling. For some reason, it made me happy. But then the realisation that I needed to ask him for money creeps up on me. He thanked me for doing the papers and he bagan typing again on his laptop. I began saying "Hey boss.. or.. what's your name?.. I never knew you yet..".

He looked at me and smile and said "I'm Clay, but just call me Dream. Thats my business name" he smiled warmly again. "Oh okay.. Dream.. well this is kinda awkward but I uh.. left my bag at home?.. c-can I borrow some money?.." He looked me up and down and opened his mouth like he was about to say something "Is-" I cut him off "I'll pay you back tomorrow!" I quickly added trying not to make him mad. "I was about to say to you if a 100 dollars will be good enough.. also don't repay me, I don't like getting repaid for doing something that people needed." I was shocked.. my boss especially a new one I just met, would give me 100 dollars for lunch?! I-Im shocked.. "I- oh uh.. uhm- y-yeah that okay.." my heart was fucking pounding as hard as it could. He sensed this and hugged me for reassurance that it's okay.

I hesitantly hugged back and he smiled. "Here, it's the only cheapest thing in my wallet since it's full of hundred bills." Giving a smile. I was working for a fucking RICH COMPANY?! I- I WAS SHOCKED. NO. I WAS MIND BLOWN.

I muttered a 'thank you very much dream' and walked away. I glanced over my shoulder and seeing him smiling and waving. I was thankful for a boss like that. I went out and only spent 30.13 dollars for lunch. And went back to his office and seeing him not there.

I checked my phone and there was a PM (Private Message) from him. It said "George, I'm on a meeting, a very urgent one so please put any files on my desk in a drawer with a lock. The key should be hidden. It's in a safe. The code for it is my first three digits on my number. After that leave the building. And go home. You're excused to leave. Thanks, George." I pondered on that text message and why PM me for it. As I did everything I locked his office and mine since there's no point if locking his office and leaving mine unlocked if they both were connected. As I was leaving I saw two men enter the building. I just assumed that they were Dream's security. I drove home and slept. I didn't even bother eating dinner.

Today was a good day, barely.

what are those men doing?.. we'll we don't care :)
Word count: 947

The Boss And The Assistant // DreamNotFound // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now