Chapter 4 - "R-really?!.."

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OMG OMG OMG.. IM SO HAPPY IM WRITING THISSSS.. and if you're still here. I want to give you a massive hug :).. love ya and hope you have a nice day bbg :))

   TW: Strong Language And Long Paragraphs



George's POV:

I woke up..
Realising I woke up, I went to check my phone for the time. It read


And I swear my heart almost stopped beating when I read the last two digits. I instantly jumped and ran to get my towel and to the shower. I speed runned it making sure I actually kept myself clean but fast and swiftly.

When I was done I i stepped outside of my shower and brushed my teeth, I thought to myself 'i hope he doesn't mind that I'm late.. he's gonna fucking kill me.. and he's a Mob boss, I'm dead..' I didn't eat breakfast, I just had an protein bar. Then I went to the apartment parking lot and found my car. I started the engine and backed out of the parking lot.

As I was backing out, I had thoughts in my head and pure panic.

'what if he'll hate me and will fire me!'
'Im going to cry if he fires me..'
'he's gonna kill me.. maybe ACTUALLY kill me..'

Those thoughts were running around my mind until I got to the building. I ran to the Blond's office and knocked on the door. I then heard a stern and deep voice say "come in."

Dream's POV:

I was sorting out papers in my office. I checked the time.


My assistant was late. I got a mad for a second but I let it slide. He probably just slept in and I didn't mind it now, he was kinda cute when I met him yesterday at the grocery store. Just admiring him.. 'wait.. what the fuck? Why am I thinking about him like that?.. I mean.. he is kinda cute.. not gonna lie..' I smiled to myself in the thought of dating him but.. it was kinda early.. so I just kept it in..

Then I heard a knock on my door. It annoyed me. It was so quiet and peaceful and thinking about the brunette was heaven.. then a fucking annoying knock has to happen. I said in a stern and annoyed voice and gave permission to come in and rolled my eyes at the person at the door. I looked up and saw my assistant, pure panic and exhaustion was on his face. At first I wanted to scold him but I decided to tell him it's alright.

"S-sir!!, I-Im deeply sorry I-" I cut him off to stop his yapping.

"It's okay George, I almost slept in today aswell." Well, not really I actually slept in my office with bloody hands from killing a target I was paid to kill. Well guess what, they didn't even pay me. So I paid them something, Death. Killed their whole team.

"I- I thought you would be mad!.. I'm really sorry if I did.. i- I'll make it up to you.. uhm.. extra work done?.." he offered convinced I was mad at him for being 10 mins late. Ridiculous, 10 mins isn't even that big.

The Boss And The Assistant // DreamNotFound // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now