Chapter 3 - George finds out

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Hi baby loves!, nice to see you here again!, I'm just really happy if you're back and waiting for this chapter. I just wanna say, if you're reading my book, I'm really really REALLY thankful :). Anyways. I'm not gonna spoil stuffz so yuh :)


TW: Strong Language and Long Paragraphs



George's POV:

I wake up, second day of work. I was dreading to see him again because of what happened yesterday. It's inevitable that I have to meet him, ugh it's gonna be so awkward. As I think those thoughts I check the time, like everyday

                                6:03 AM

FUCK! I'm gonna be so fucking late, he's gonna fucking hate me!! Fuck!!! I run downstairs and take the quickest shower. As I dress I knew I have to wear something impressive to try and make up because I was  late so I rummaged in my closet and found a black suit and wore it, I didn't bother with the tie because that would be too formal anyways, I grabbed my keys and then I realized the car was out of gas, I cursed out loud and ordered and Uber instead. As I rushed inside I greeted him and apologized, this time I had my wallet, my phone, and everything I needed, you can say I learned my lesson from yesterday.

Dream's POV:

He was late, honestly I don't mind. I understand the struggle, though I'd rather not say that out loud. He looked amazing today and as I  complemented what he was wearing today and he blushed. A soft pink colour creeped up from his neck to his cheeks. I thought it was really cute. I gave him paperwork as usual and I had to go somewhere so I told him to put the paperwork in the cupboard. As I left I waved him goodbye.

George's POV:

He needed to go somewhere ugh... I'm alone at this giant office, more specifically building, so I just finished that paperwork, I made sure it looked nice and it was specific because he said it was very important and to put it in the cupboard when I'm done. As I finished though, I opened the cupboard and I saw a gun, a bloody knife and looked like a business card, I was stunned and stayed in my place till I could process what I was seeing. I grabbed the business card and read what it said

Dream - Triad.

It was short but informing, unfortunately I know what the "Triad" is, the strongest and most powerful mafia in the country. He went to his mafias meeting probably, or he's out killing someone. I also found out that he's the leader of the Triad. No wonder no one's allowed in the basement. It's probably full of guns, shit. I texted him and told him I wasn't feeling well and decided to go home early, thankfully it worked and I could go home early. As I went home I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw.

Once I got home I immediately went to bed and researched about the Triad 
(Some background about the Triad hehe)

(The Triad is a worldwide feared mafia and has members all around the world, name all countries and there are at least 10-20 members and they even have a warehouse there)


As George looks at the bright screen in front of him, he stares at awe at how easily dream leads such a big mafia. and acts so chill about it at work, as if he wasn't even part of it, much less being the leader. He knows if he was leading that he wouldn't have time to manage that corporation. Still, George seemed scared his new boss was an almighty leader of one of the most dangerous mafias in the world. He decided to lay down and as he layed down he pondered about his new boss.

He started noticing little details about him like his almost perfect, porcelain, pale skin, or his dirty blonde hair that shines in the sun, or those red lips.. Then he blushed, George was thinking of a mafias leader red lips, he couldn't believe it. He tried to stop thinking of it but he just couldn't so he went to sleep.

As he woke up he noticed that he got a couple of messages from Dream himself, he got worried for a minute and got ready for work, as he took his shower like every morning he kept thinking of what he saw. He decided to drive as usual and filled up his car with gas, he took as much time as he could to try and get his mind off of him.

There he was, inside a grocery store. Then it hit George, there was no work today he forgot it was a free day for him. He thought for a couple of minutes while staring blankly at Dream getting his groceries.

He slapped his head and thought to himself 'idiot!' He'll just stay at home, now there was no way that Dream could see him or he would see dream, he gets into his car and just as he turns on the engine dream knocks on his window. He waves and says in his normal tone "Heya George! Fancy seeing you here!"

George thought of a response for a moment, he then replied with his usual "Oh hi! Yeah what a coincidence" and adds an awkward laugh. George thinks of what Dream just said and George asks him a question

"Uh.. Are you British? The way you say things just sounds like my British friends." George said with another awkward laugh Dream smiled and replied with "yeah I actually am, Why'd you ask?" George looked surprised for a minute "oh.. didn't think you were, you have a nice voice."

He complimented him promptly, Dream smiles and says in a hurried voice "well I gotta go, see you tommorow" George knew it was for a mafia meeting or something like that. He honestly didn't mind that his boss was a mafia leader anymore, he just likes what he looks like or what he smells like, George thought of what he smelt like 'hmm... Smells like rose, rosemary something to do with that'. the smell still is in George's nostril. It was a strong smell and George couldn't get enough of it.

Then George realized it. He was getting obsessed with his boss a mafia leader. 'Fuck, why am I thinking like this..' he thought, though he knew he couldn't help it. It was weird for him to get obsessed with man he only knew for two days or something like that anyways. As he drove home he couldn't stop thinking about him, as he lay in bed he decides to grab an apple and eat it. After he ate he decided to go to sleep, and get ready for the next day of work

This is authors classmate, I made this chapter by myself cuz I'm so good jk but if you think it was good, please consider waiting for new chapters and supporting my classmate/author. I actually made most of these chapters but I'm just a co-writer and I'm even starting my own book and I'm hoping he'll post it once it's done. Byeee

Word count: 1220

The Boss And The Assistant // DreamNotFound // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now