Do you love me ❤️

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Haseena was adorning her queen and princess both and she was not able to control her feelings. She decided to tell Shivani soon about her feelings so that she should not lose her once again. This change in her behaviour came after her Shivani left from her life. Haseena was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't noticed that Shivani waked up from her deep slumber after Haseena gave her peak on her lips and she was shocked that how her bestfriend and the person whom she loves is behaving. She was totally shocked with her behaviour, and this little creature hugging her was also same possessive like the one on the hospital bed. Shivani remembers that how since childhood her Hasu was the once most possessive about her. She never liked when someone else came and talk to her or initiated the conversation with her. And even her life also revolves always around her Hasu and even their family was happy with all the happenings and they always thought that they will get married in the near future. But everything changed when one person entered their life AAROHI. Shivani always knew that she was their with some motive and her Hasu is not even interested to talk with her other than business. But she used to always tag herself along with them and use to come close to her Hasu. But Hasu always avoided her. Shivani was hating one thing and that was aggressive behaviour of Haseena and she wanted Haseena to change a lil bit just for her family and for her love ❤️ even as they never opened their feelings to one another and Haseena was even trying to change herself so that Shivani could always be happy but as we say with time Shivani was getting insecure by the approaches of Aarohi towards Hasu. Then a day came for a business deal they went to Banglore. Shivani accompanied Haseena because she was the legal advisor of Malik Empire and their after successfully completing of deal the party was thrown for the employees and other people and during that time she fell sick and Haseena took her to hospital and she was unconscious their. She didn't knew what happened after that but next day when she was awake she found herself in hospital and Haseena totally broken. She thought she was behaving like this because her Hasu was not able to see her on hospital bed.
Seeing her Hasu broken she was shocked and made her mood good. But during Bangalore visit after the hospital incident she is seeing the changed Haseena. After they returned back to Mumbai and one day she received parcel from some unknown sender and when she opened it she was totally shocked. Because it contains private moments of Haseena and Aarohi and of same night she was admitted. It was clicked in such a way that as they were making love. And this was the last nail in the coffin and Shivani was broken she trusted Haseena but she can't see her with anyone else if this was truth. So she decided to go somewhere else and have a break so Haseena should make a decision whom she loved actually and the day she left was the Anniversary night of Arshad and Noor Malik parents of Haseena and Maya. She loved them as her own parents and they were sad by her departure and she promised them she will return soon and asked them if Haseena love someone make her marry that person. And that was the last time she meet her family and saw Aarohi and after that night she talked with everyone through phone but never talked about Haseena because she was not that strong that she could listen about Aarohi and Haseena relationship and whenever they tried to initiate the conversation about Haseena she would cut the call saying some work. But now she is regretting that why she left her Loved one like this. Haseena needed her, she still don't knew what happened in the party that night and what was connection of Aarohi's brother in all this whole the little princess of their family SANTOSH was madly in love. Today Shivani saw hurt look on face of Santosh when they discussed all this but now she knew these missing pieces of their family would be solved soon.
Shivani is in dilemma about her connection with the little Angel and wants to know the truth of that night. Seeing Aadhya she is feeling as some missing piece of her life returned back to her. And now what ever her best friend did shocked her more. Her love peeked her on lips when she was sleeping , her mind will burst if she think more about this all. Suddenly she noticed Haseena was trying again to get up. She immediately settled Aadhya on sofa bed and hold Haseena to help her. Haseena was so lost she came back in the reality why she feels someone's hand on her arm. And she was so baffled to see her Shivi there and again lost her control on her senses and slowly moved towards her and with support of bed she was standing in-front of her.

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