Marriage on Cards

169 26 9

Malik Mansion , Lucknow

Hasu- I was always in love with Shiv from the day she was born. I know that was a child love as I was so small. But the feeling of always protecting her , me being her Hero was the idea that I was in move with. Slowly I get obsessed with her, obsession that always wants Shiv to be happy and successful. After we went to college I always thought maybe know she will find someone else because many guys proposed her, but when they proposed her pleading look towards me gave me confidence she also loves me. We were happy in our lives as you all know, the best part was that you all supported our relationship whether we never confessed towards each other. Then we got settled in our professional life, me being part of Malik Empire and establishing my own fashion business and me being successful in both of that and Shiv establishing herself as Lawyer and that was also success👍 But in all this Aarohi came to our life with a motive. But I ignored her approaches towards me. Later when I dig the truth I came to know even she was being blackmailed for doing all the shit, but in all this Shiv started moving away from me and she was maintaining a gap.

Shiv- (interrupting her) I thought you fall in love with her and that was somewhere hurting me. I know you were balancing but my heart was not ready to accept that my Dracula is going away from me.

Hasu- (hugging her) I know you are not wrong Shiv but that hurtled me that the girl who trusted me over everything decided to back off, I thought you will show Aarohi her place but no you decided to give your place to her and that is not acceptable. If tomorrow someone else will come will you back out from our relationship.

Shiv- no Hasu I will never do so. I can't live without you and my angel anymore. This time we will not allow anyone to interfere in our relationship. It will be just you and me our world.

Noor- will you clear our doubts Shivi and Hasu.

Hasu- mom after that still we tried to maintained the peace so that Aarohi can never be successful but the real culprit made Baby Panda his target and then it was final and disturbing entry of Yug, Aarohi's brother he acted to in love with Santu but in that act of falling in love with her, he in actual fall in love with Santu and that was final straw which the culprit realised his all plans were failing and then we went to Banglore for the deal and that time Aarohi tried to tell me many times something but she was never successful, due to some circumstances. And on the day of the success party of our project the real culprit played the masterstroke he spiked mine and Aarohi drinks but the drink meant for Aarohi was changed with Shivu's and in that situation we lost our control and we got physical with each other. I clearly remembered everything because next day all the visuals came to my mind and I was ashamed that I was not able to protect Shiv even it was me only who was on bed with her, and to control that damage I shifted Shiv to her room, so that she shouldn't feel guilty about anything, I decided after coming back I will immediately propose her for the marriage. But everything changed Shivani was founded unconscious I immediately took her to hospital, that time I got call from Aarohi that someone is following her. So without wasting time I went to protect her because she was in danger because of us and it was my duty to protect her and immediately appointed our best man for security of  Shiv and went to Aarohi, when  reached their I saw Aarohi already unconscious and was going to help her but someone sprayed something their and I lost my consciousness and when I woke up after somehours I was naked their with crying Aarohi who was covered in the bedsheet. She told me that I was the one who r****d her and ammi you don't know how I felt that time. I was in condition that I wanted to kill myself. Because situation was such that I have to believe whatever was happening there. (Hm was having tears when she was remembering and telling all this to her family and Maya was controlling her anger, her look was enough to destroy someone who messed up with her baby, she came and back hugged her baby to show her support to her lil kid.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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