Aadhya Malik 😊

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Haseena was finally happy that she could able to tell the truth to Shivani her love. Now the matter she has to handle is to introduce Aadhya to her family, to Aadhya's real family. Haseena noticed both mother and daughter are busy in their time. There was slight space in curtains. Haseena wanted ton embrace both of them so nobody could ever to think harm them her lil family. Thinking all this Haseena slowly drifted to sleep.

Next Day, Hospital

Haseena & Shivani are arguing over something. Ammi (Shivani's mom now will be called Mom) and Santu with Ishaani was seeing this and enjoying and little Aadhya Malik the princess and 1st hire of MALIK FAMILY was also laughing.

Mom- stop it Shivi and Hasu , are you both kids see Aadhya baby is also laughing seeing her parents quarrelling like  kids. (Aadhya was in her Nani's arms)

Hasu- mom tell your stupid daughter that she is going with us to Malik Mansion , I am not going to hear anything against this.

Shiv- mom this Dracula isn't under anything tell this mad person that I can't go like this, I have some work that can't remain unattended.

Hasu- ok then I will also come with you, wherever my baby will go there I will follow her .

Ishaani- (Shocked) BABY????

Hasu- hmmmm...... woh actually I proposed her yesterday night, was waiting for last many years and she decided to make me wait more so now I can't wait more and lose more years. So I proposed her finally.

Mom- thats good. I am so happy finally this stupid girl understands something and now doesn't run away.

Hasu- she can't mom, tonight in party I am going to introduce Shivu & Aadhya as my wife and daughter

Santu- but how buddy.

Hasu- there is a secret I will soon tell you, when we will go to Malik Mansion including whole family. And  Aadhya needs to be with her real family and her mom and Shivu its decided that you are coming with us. Whatever work you have we will handle later, now I don't want any arguments over this topic, it's my final decision.

Shiv- Dracula always ordering us around, come my angel only Mayu Bhuiimaa could make your Dracula Papa could be handle 😈 and we will complaint against her.

Aadhya hugged her mother as she was agreeing with her and showing tongue towards her Hashuu 😈, everyone was smiling at this cute banter and happy that after Aadhya entry everything is happening for good. Soon Hasu was discharged from hospital because of Ishaani and tonight party because she was needed there and Ishaani could fake care of her and soon they all left towards Malik Mansion.

Malik Mansion,Lucknow

Everyone was busy in tonight's party preparation after-all the Royal Family of Lucknow was back. Today morning they got to know about Hasu's accident and was ready to go towards Hospital but Shivani's Mom Priya Khanna beatfriend of Malik clan and their support assured them that in sometime they are coming back to Mansion with a surprise, so the family is their in living room and thinking what could be the surprise but here a person was fuming in anger and everyone was sacred from her anger.

Angad- Mayu baby chill, see everyone is getting afraid from your angry face. Please smile your Hasu baby is coming and she is fit and fine.

Maya- don't baby me Angad, i am sure you would have known but hidden this fact from us for sure. And I am not going to leave the person who dare to hurt my lil baby.

Ammi- Mayu I agree you love Hasu a-lot in-fact we all do so but don't ever try to treat her as lil baby as she is still drinking milk by bottle. You treat her like a little kid and she behaves like that.

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