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POV: Virgil
4:25 PM
3 days since last encounter

Virgil and Roman had been texting more often since Roman's invite. It wasn't their typical banter, but it was better than nothing. Virgil needed space and Roman knew that, and so they both kept to themselves for the most part.

Virgil threw on the first outfit that came to mind and quickly did his makeup. He couldn't be bothered to stress over a better outfit, and so he got ready in a matter of 10 minutes. He threw on his shoes and headed out the door, making his way over to Roman's place.

As he arrived, he sighed to himself quietly. Here goes nothing. He thought as he knocked on the mahogany door.

"Hey, Virge." Roman greeted, standing aside to let Virgil in.
"Hey, Ro. Where's your friend?" He asked, scanning the room.
"Pat's out with a friend right now. Its just us." He reassured as he sat down on the couch, motioning for Virgil to sit next to him. "Oh, okay."
"Virgil, are you okay?" Roman asked suddenly, making Virgil panic a bit.
"Uh, yeah I'm okay. I think. Its nothing too bad." The emo tried to reassure, but Roman wasn't having it.
"Virgil, its okay if you don't wanna talk about it, but I'm here for you anytime you need to talk, okay?"
Virgil sighed, putting on a small smile as he thought of a response.
"Thank you, Ro. Right now though, I'd rather not think about it." He said, sitting back into the couch.
"That's okay, we don't have to talk about it right now." Roman assured. "We can do something to take your mind off of it for a while, if youd like. How about we watch a movie?" He offered.
"Yeah, that sounds nice." Virge smiled.


The two sat in silence, eyes glued to the movie on the TV, though neither were fully paying attention. Virgil noticed that Roman kept getting closer to him, but he didn't mind it. It made him happy to know that Roman at least cared about him. The two cuddled as the movie continued on, both overthinking about one another. They were back to their usual comforting silence, and Virgil felt peaceful for once.

Roman threw an arm around Virgil, letting Virgil lay his head on his shoulder. "Hey, Roman?"
"I'm sorry for shutting you out." he said, suddenly.
"Don't be sorry Virgil. I can't blame you for that, especially after what I did."
"Don't blame yourself, Roman. I mean, yeah that's kind of what led to me being so distant, but its not for the reason you think." Virgil said hesitantly.
"Oh?" Roman said, confused.
"Ah, its stupid. Nevermind." Virgil dismissed, snuggling closer to Roman and turning his attention back onto the screen.
"I won't push you to explain anything, Virgil. I'm just glad we didn't drift apart." Roman said, hugging Virgil with his arm slightly.

The sudden pressure on Virgil's wrist made him wince, which alarmed Roman. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He panicked. "No, you're okay Ro. Its just.. its nothing, don't worry about it." Virgil excused, tugging his sleeves down further. Roman sighed sadly. He knew what that meant.
"Virgil. I'm worried about you." He said, pausing the movie. "Don't be, Ro. I'm okay, I swear."
"I don't believe that, Virge."
Virgil began to panic and overthink.
He can't know. He thought to himself.
"Please, Roman, just drop it okay?"
Romans concern grew as he watched Virgil fiddle with his sleeves. He knew something wasn't right, and he couldn't bare the thought that it might be because of him.
"Jesus, Roman, just stop." Virgil exclaimed.
Roman sighed as Virgil tensed up, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Tears began welling up in his eyes as the stress built up his throat and neck. "Please- just let it go." He said defeatedly. Roman carefully reached out to Virgil's arm, slowly bringing closer to him and lifting the sleeve up to reveal old bloody gauze. Virgil, defeated, let him examine his arm as he held his head down in shame.
"I know. I know. Please, just let it go."
Roman raised his free hand to Virgil's chin, lifting his head to make eye contact with him. "Virgil. I'm not mad at you, I'm just worried. I care so much about you, more than I can express. I need you to take care of yourself for me, okay? When you feel the need to hurt yourself, I need you to call me, okay? I don't care what time of the day or night it is, I'm always here for you." Roman said as he pulled Virgil in for a hug.
"Virgil....I care so much about you. So fucking much. I can't lose you." Roman said as years quietly began falling from his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Ro." He whispered, embracing Roman. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Just try to not do that anymore. For me, okay?" He said, pulling away from the hug.
Virgil noticed the tears running down Romans face and began wiping them away. "I won't. I won't, I promise." Virgil reassured, pulling Roman back in for a hug. The two sat there for a while, sobbing quietly into each others shoulders. Virgil had an overwhelming sense of guilt bombard him, but he tried to ignore that as he fully embraced the warmth Roman gave him.


Virgil eventually fell asleep on Romans shoulder. Roman had a horrible feeling of guilt in his gut, and it made him want to vomit. The idea of him being the reason for Virgil to do something so horrible. He couldn't stomach it, it absolutely broke him.

He looked down at the sleeping figure and ran his fingers through his hair.
"My love, I promise to protect you from those horrible thoughts. It pains me so much to see you in so much pain. I love you, Virgil. I can't lose you. I can't. You mean the world to me." Roman said through his quiet tears, leaving a small kiss on his forhead before leaning back into the couch and falling asleep next to Virgil.


Roman woke up a few hours later to the sound of Patton unlocking the door. He gently shook Virgil awake, who still looked fatigued from the emotional turmoil of that evening.

"Hey, kiddos." Patton said quietly. "Don't let me wake you, I'm just gonna head to my room!" He smiled, quietly making his way to the hall.
Roman looked back at Virgil, who was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Still tired?" He asked, to which Virgil nodded. "You can sleep in my room if you want." He offered, and Virgil obliged. The two made their way up to Romans room and Virgil immediately got comfortable in his bed. Roman turned to walk out the room to let Virgil rest.
"Hey, Ro?"
"Stay with me?" Virgil asked, still half-asleep. Roman smiled softly as he walked back over and got into bed.
Virgil cuddled into Roman and immediately fell back asleep. Roman couldn't help but smile as the sight as sleep began taking him over as well.

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