549 29 3

Time: 2:30 PM, two days since last encounter

Roman: hey there, Virge!

Me: okay, new nickname... hi Princey.

Roman: Princey?

Me: yeah, cuz u were wearing that prince suit

Roman: ooh, that makes sense.

Me: slowness.

Roman: I'm not slow ! Just sleepy.

Me: it's 2:30 PM.

Roman: were in the same time zone!

Me: what a coincidence. It's not like we have the same area code or anything.

Roman: darn, I am slow today aren't I?

Me: a little. Why r u tired?

Roman: reasons.

Me: being?

Roman: ...

Roman: I maaaaaybe have accidentally gotten drunk at my friends birthday party

Me: lol srsly? How?

Roman: I didn't think anyone put alcohol in the punch! I thought that only happened in movies or something.

Me: ur telling me that u tasted the punch, and didn't taste the alcohol in it?

Roman: it wasn't that strong, whatever it was. It was enough to get me buzzed up, though.

Me: damn, dude. Ur badass, getting drunk off of fruit punch

Roman: oh hush it! Geez, I heard hangovers were bad but UEGH. My head feels like it's gonna expLODE.

Me: drink baking soda mixed with orange juice.

Roman: is that supposed to help?

Me: nah. Ur v gullible. Anyways, to actually help, eat some ginger, drink lots of water, take a pill maybe, & eat a big breakfast. If it gets unbearable just go back to bed.

Roman: I'll do that, thanks.

Me: anytime. Get some rest

Roman: gosh, u sound like Patton right now.

Me: is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Roman: both.

Me: -_-

Roman: okay okay, I'll get some rest. Thanks again.

Me: anytime Princey. Nighty night.

Roman: gn, Virge

Read: 3:00 PM

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