I. (PART 1)

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< HER >

The wail of my third baby echoed around the labor room, it made me sigh deeply out of tiredness and relief.

'The last of my triplets' I thought.

Sweats have damped my hair, face, neck and even my hospital dress. The iron scent of my blood was surrounding the four walls together with the hospital hygiens.

"It's a boy! Congratulations, Miss. You did a very good job." the doctor huffed against her mask and the nurses offered their compliments as I panted.

"Thank you... Oh god.." a tear finally slipped from my tired eyes when I saw him being carried away to be cleaned.

My legs trembled from all of the strength that I emitted from pushing these little nuggets out of my womanhood every other 5 minutes, and that could've killed me to be honest, now I can finally breath without worrying.

I have already loved them even before they were born.

I closed my eyes to regain myself, breathing heavily as I listened to the clatters around me.

"Here they are." a soft voice with a very thick Italian accent spoke and I saw a blonde nurse the moment I opened my eyes with my angels in their hospital crib with her.

"My loves.." I whispered, voice breaking at the sight of them being healthy, peacefully sleeping and is already cleaned.

The nurse nodded and handed me my eldest son.

"Hey there, handsome." I said lovingly as I held him in my arms. He moved a bit and yawned adorably, I chuckled kissing his nose.

'My Alessandro.' I named him.

I gave him back to the nurse and she laid him back on his place then handed me my middle child next.

Finally, a daughter.

"My princess." I kissed her forehead. I was surprised when she whimpered, "Shhh.. it's Mommy, baby." she calmed a bit as I rocked her slowly.

'My Alejandria.'

The nurse smiled at me as she gave me my youngest after putting back my daughter gently.

"They are beautiful, Miss." she said.

"Indeed, they are." I smiled.

"Ah.. my third one, aren't you fiesty?" I laughed softly, remembering how he pushed himself out of me.

I could definitely feel him kicking my insides, confirming it when the doctor complimented him and joked about how he wanted to be out of this world so eagerly.

I kissed his nose and finally letting him sleep again back on their crib.

'My Alexavier'

I sighed and dropped my head backwards when I felt myself weakening, hearing the people around calling me was the last thing I remember before losing conciousness.


"Get out now, Nia!" a teenager boy shouted through the loudness of the gunshots, I gawked at him as if he grew two more heads.

"I don't want to leave you all here..!" I shouted back, fear was evident in my voice.

"Please! Go somewhere safe, Sorella!" another voice shouted at me.

I faught back my tears and watched them pointing their guns at the bad guys who are attacking our big house. I felt my heart beating in fear, worry, anger and anxiety.

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