< HER >

I'm sure Xavon's tired of his siblings' mischievousness already, he would stop them from bickering, scold them and be upset with them when they've done another mistake that might stress me out. But sometimes he would cover up their mess at school and at home.

A very responsible son, mature and smart.

He would ignore them and avoid them for a day making them realize their mistake, the two couldn't take Xavon being like that and would cry their eyes out because of his actions and apologize so many times, swearing to never make him upset again and never do bad things.

Yet, is still currently happening.

Xavon would feel guilty at making his siblings cry and would forgive them, scold them a bit then cuddles to sleep. Then the next day, the two would run and hug me and apologize for the troubles they've done.

I'm glad I have Xavon, not tolerate his siblings and helping me discipline them well without being asked to do it for me.

The two really looks up to him and I'm proud that they're not envious or haven't felt bad about Xavon scolding them.

I sighed at my children's personality.

I love Xavon so much, equally to both his siblings, of course, but sometimes he's really.. distant. I mean, I know it's part of him maturing but really. Three years have passed and it's still fresh from my mind how his demeanor changed a bit.

It was from the soccer trip, they came home and was ecstatic, the two kept on babbling and talking about how wonderful their trip was and how the city is so big and cool and so on, but Xavon was just silent.

The two had gone tired and was already asleep while he was sitting on the couch of our old living room as he stared at his lap as if it's the m ost interesting thing he could see. I then began asking him about his day and about the trip but all he gave me was odd and small replies and still looking down, I was worried and asked him "what's wrong" but he shook his head, looked up and stared at my eyes.

I almost had a heart attack at how fast it beats inside my ribcage, his green eyes have blanked, gloomed, like his father's. That was the first time I got scared about the situation.

I'm scared of the day that I could see his features from our children but that night, with no doubt, I saw Him.

He then hugged me goodnight and planted a kiss on my cheek then joined his siblings to sleep.

From the three of them, Xavon was already a semi-replica of his father, except for his soft dirty blonde locks that he got from me and his cute long nose, but his green eyes that stared onto mine, he looked exactly like Him, and that scared the shit out of me.

But as the years went by, nothing big had changed about him, his physical features are something.

He's handsome. Very handsome, still cute.

They never once asked about their father or where he is, I kinda found it wierd but I didn't mind it, I was glad and thanked the heavens above. I can't tell them yet, it's not good for them.

For now, I just want them to live freely and have a normal life under my care and under my name.

Alessandro Vienn, Alejandria Yvonne and Alexavier Vonn. Their names alone radiates power.

I gave them my family's last name since it would be dumb to just show up, ask the signature for the birth certificate from their father's face then run away again, right?

My kids' father is dangerous. Very, very dangerous.
Even alone his name is dangerous and I can't let my children experience that danger, they're still too young.

I already made a mistake by dating, hooking up and getting pregnant by him, so now, I won't do the same mistake as to letting my children be involved with the life that he had, with that man.

With that stupid, dangerous, merciless, arrogant, sexy and stupidly gorgeous man.

I can't believe that I really dated that kind of person but at the span of 5 months I did loved him and I got the news of us being pregnant after 2 weeks of breaking up, caused by a huge fight, and I had to leave, had to hide and run away as far from moving back to my own country.

I've always been a scaredy-cat, exactly like a coward but I feared, not only for my life, but also for the life that is growing inside of my womb that day. He had lots of rivals, enemies.

I just had to and I know that he deserves to know, the kids deserves to know who their father is..

But I'm still scared and I'm brave enough to hide my children away from his lifestyle. Call me selfish but I'm doing this as a loving mother who wants to protect her children.

Like I said, I would do anything for my kids.

I parked the car on our garage, killed the engine, took my purse, keys and the cupcake box before twisting the house keys to open the closed door and entered our cozy house.

"Welcome home, Mommy!" Sanvi and Dria sheepishly grinned the moment I walked inside.

I looked at them and my eyes stole a glance at Xavon who is currently leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, looking amused at his siblings. I stared at my son and daughter who are looking all innocent with their hand behind them.

Cute but that won't work on me, for now.

"Oh my gosh! Cupcakes!" Dria's eyes sparkled seeing the box in my hand and did a grabby hand not moving a step from where she's standing.

"Yeah! Yeah! Cuppy-cakey!" Sanvi danced with his fists taking turns to punch the air.

I looked at them, amused, as always. I sighed and cleared my throat. They stopped celebrating and stood up straight.

"Xavon, deary. Would you mind putting this inside the fridge first while I talk with your sister and brother?" I handed the box to Xavon.

He walked closer to me, I kissed his head and I saw the two pouting.

"Thank you, honey." I smiled and he nodded to me.

"Welcome home, Mom." he smiled back. He then took the box from me.

"No cupcakes until I understand what made you do that to your classmate." I said sternly at the two, they gulped.

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