> NO ONE <

"We have found a DNA result that you have been looking and waiting for, Sir.  At last." A tall, lean and tattoed man spoke before his boss. "Shall we proceed to the original plan?"

The boss seemed to be deep in thought and just by hearing this from his trusted man, he cannot feel anything but an eerie emotion. He had never felt this way before, not until this very information was revealed to him.

He smiled dangerously, blue eyes flashing with hope as he stared at the paperworks in front of him, "Yes, you may do so."

I finally found you, princesa.

*** 2 weeks later***

Everything was great, the siblings bid their apologies for the little naughty Suzie, their Mom talked to their teacher, discovered that her children aren't just over-reacting or pulling a prank on the girl and immediately asked for the child to be disciplined by her family. They also made amends their neighbors who are undoubtedly kind that knew and already got used to the children's mischief and just didn't made it a big problem.

Once again, the playful children were saved by their lovable personalities and adorableness. But their younger sibling still gave them an earful which they replied with a pout and noddings, knowing that he is obviously right and speaking facts. Again.

"Mommy~! I wanna buy an ice cream!" Dria pouted while pointing at the ice cream shop as the walked on the busy streets of their city.

"Yes yes, Mommy!" Her older brother joined the persuation. They both had a puppy, teary eyes that made their mother groan, nodding her head defeatedly.

They squealed in joy and ran towards the shop, leaving their mother and younger brother rolling their eyes.

The mother then smiled softly and followed them, hand in hand with her son.

"Sanvi, Dria, wait for us!" She chuckled then pushed the door to enter the place, "Ahh, there you both are."

She sighed in relief upon seeing her children pressing their faces on the glass of the ice cream flavor that they wanted.

"Mommy, Mommy! I want this one!" Says the daughter. "Mommy! I like this!" Says the older son, in which she just sighed.

"Okay, sure. But, please, do behave. Sit there, join your brother" she pointed the table where her youngest son occupies, the two nodded their heads and joyfully ran where their brother is sitting.

She smiled lovingly at the sight and then turned to the cashier, "I'll have the flavors that they picked, and also.. a mint then.. a vanilla. Thank you."

The cashier nodded his head, understanding his customer's orders then started scooping the said flavors. Four cones were given to her after paying it all up.

She then took the way where her children are, gave them their desired ice cream and smiled at how happy they are. Sanvi, a chocolate one. Dria, a bubblegum one.  Xavon, a minty one and for the mother, the vanilla one.
The shopping bags are just under the table, they were from the mall and decided to take a little walk before the two saw this store, interupting their 'walk', she then scooted over facing her two sons with her daughter beside her.

"Thank you, Mommy" the three showed their toothy grin and began eating their frozen sweets.

"You're welcome, kittens." She chuckled and caressed her daughter's hair as she also smiled at her sons. The four of them enjoying each of their ice cream.

The store isn't that crowded but there are other customers scattered around the area and yet, she still felt overwhelmed. She can see two large men eyeing her from a distance but she distracted herself by talking to her children, a moment later when she glanced back there were none.

Hmm.. must be just a false gut feeling?

"Mommy? Can I go to the restroom?" Her son, Sanvi, asked while blinking his innocent eyes at her. She smiled.

"Yes, baby. Just don't wet your shirt, okay?" She nodded her head.

"I want to go too, Mom." Her second son, Xavon, also said. She looked at the two, both had already finished their ice creams and she sighed.

"Okay, take your time, sweeties." She chuckled, letting her sons go together. Sanvi made a conversation with his brother while walking away.

She and her daughter started talking about princesses and dresses for their birthday party next month, she couldn't help but smile and agree to her daughter.

"Excuse me, Miss?" A deep voice made her flinch, she knew this feeling.


Her lips quivered as she saw how her daughter turned her head to look at the stranger, blinking innocently. She softly held her daughter's hand then faced the owner of the voice. She didn't show any weird face and smiled at the person
beside her.

There's two of them?!

"Yes, mister stranger?" She tried not to make her voice crack upon seeing how the two men.

One of them smiled too widely, making his eyes shut then he spoke, "You dropped this."

How can they do this stupidity in the broad daylight?! She started shouting in her mind.

"Oh? I'm sorry, that's not ours. Must've been someone else, you're mistaken, Sir." She frowned at the normal looking handkerchief on his hand but the moment she finished her sentence, everything became blurry.

She heard her daughter's muffling voice and wanted to fight but the scent was too strong since the handkerchief had blocked their mouth and nose.

The two boys immediately ran outside when they heard a lot of shouting, especially the word 'Kidnapping' and their face showed shockness and panic when they couldn't see their mother and sister.

"Mommy! Where are you?!" The older one shouted when they reached their table, only their things are left. The shopping bags, her mother's things and their sister's doll.

"What happened?!" The younger one asked a person who must've witnessed the scene from where their mother and sister was abducted.

"Oh my! The other kids are safe! Thank heavens!" An older lady grabbed the boys, taking them as to where inside the shop had lots of people have gathered.

"Please, where is my Mommy and my sister Dria?" Sanvi begged, tears have been damping his cheeks due to panicking and feeling lost, "Please, where are they? What happened?"

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Xavon exclaimed, more like demanded, already feeling scared but the need to know is what he wanted right now.

Where are they?

"Your Mom and sister are kidnapped by some random men, they got them into a van and drove off. Don't worry, I already called the police. They will bring your Mom and sister back." One of the customers explained, he gasped and his brother cried even more.

What..? Kidnapped?

The young kid was lost in his own mind when someone tugged him, breaking him out of himself.

"Xavi, Xavi, Xavi..." his crying brother hugged him as he hugged him back, comforting themselves from the traumatic event that ruined their bonding day. "I want them back. I want Mommy and Dria back!" he continued to sob.

"Poor children" The customers of the ice cream shop looked at them in pity.

Police sirens had echoed around the streets, the ladies of their small family will now be saved.

Please, be fine! Xavon prayed. Or else.

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