< HER >

Speaking of jobs, after leaving the café, I applied at a big company, got the work and even got promoted as an assistant from being an office clerk as they saw how hardworking and promising I am.

And I worked alongside with Stephan. The salary is actually more than enough for me and my kids' everyday needs and I thanked God for that. I had savings now for emergencies, vacations and quick trips with the kids. We can finally do almost everything now.

All of my money are properly used. My friends are a very big help about this and I thanked them everyday. They loved my kids and adored them too much. I'm glad that they are all compatible with each other, just minus the craziness of my friends which is not a very good influence towards my kids.

And 2 years later after working hard as an assisstant, I bought a home, a larger one but enough for us to have our own special space. It's an up-and-down house, mine and the kids' rooms upstairs, a small playroom for their toys. Downstairs includes; living room and kitchen. We have a dirty kitchen at the back and also a small swimming pool. A small flower garden in front. Lastly, a garage for my car and the kids' bicycles.

I smiled as I recall the hardships, struggles and endurance that I have experienced for giving my children a life to enjoy and watching them eating happily now is enough for me to say that I have succeeded.

"Mom, can I go visit and stay at Aunt Andrea's this weekend? She promised to give me her books." Xavon asked.

"Sure, baby." I nodded which he grinned.

"Me too, Mommy! I wanna see Aunty Andy!" Dria squealed.

"Me! Me! Me too!" Sanvi raised his hands.

"Well.. I'm sure Aunt Andy and Uncle Stephan won't mind the both of you tagging along with your brother." I sighed.

They squealed and excitedly talked about playing with their friends there.

Due to the squad and my kids' closeness, they would ask me to let the kids spend the weekends at them once or maybe for a week every month. With or without me.

They're rude, yes.

But sometimes I have work at weekends so it's a good thing. The kids are still my top priority but I need to work too, and I trust my friends enough with Bianca as their older sister, or so what they told me.

And of course, Andy wanted Xavon again. She pampers him a lot for the last six months. She's craving for my child, his smile, his voice and even his smell! She needs Xavon's used shirt so she can sleep. I sometimes notice Stephan pouting and sulking whenever we visit them, I just laughed. Andy's pregnancy is wierd. More wierder than I had.

"Just don't go away from your usual playground, okay? Always be together and listen to Bianca's words. You already know what happened the last time." They smiled and nodded.

Bianca is Stephan's sister who is staying with them for college since their house is closer to the University than Bianca's apartment. And since then, the kids already knew her and she would follow them at the playground. She's always been a big sister to them and she likes the thought of it.

I remember they were bullied by older children and got into a fight. They came crying to us with dirts all over their shirts, me and Josie almost got sued by the parents of the bullies when we confronted them and then blamed my children but thanks to Michelle's threats they backed away. The cctv footage was also even more than enough so say that my children are the victims. They got banned from using the playgrounds. But still, I don't want my children being hurt physically again. They are a trouble magnet, I tell you.

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