Why Him?

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Y/n's POV

After Johnnie placed the 7/11 bag and his keys on the coffee table in the living room, I thought to myself, what to do? Jake was in my life again and I wasn't entirely sure of how to react or what to say to him. Should I say anything to him at all?

"Hey, Johnnie? I was having an issue with my, um," I tried to come up with something on the spot, "chair. My rolling chair in my room got messed up and I need your help fixing it." I crossed my arms, attempting to make gestures with my eyes for him to follow me to my room. I had a crazed look on my face with a wide smile. He looked at me as if he were stupid and didn't understand what I was trying to say. I rolled my eyes and mouthed 'We need to talk now' to him. I was always going to be deeply hurt by what Jake did to me, but I still had some social sense to not be rude to a house guest. Johnnie made a face of realization and turned to Jake.

"I'm going to go help her real quick. Feel free to chill and turn something on." He motioned to the TV and followed me to my room. I quickly shut the door behind me after we entered. He walked over to my chair at my desk.

"Johnnie, nothing is wrong with the chair. I just needed an excuse for us to talk in private. You're going to need to sit down." He rolled his eyes and plopped down into the pink chair. I paced back and forth, trying to think of where to start. He already knew everything that happened in my past, but as I mentioned, I didn't tell him any names other than Elton's. Recently, I'd blurted that Sam and Colby used to room in the same house as me. I was hoping Johnnie wouldn't connect the dots. I didn't think he would. I wasn't upset with him or anything, I just needed him to know who Jake was and why I was being so weird.

"You gonna tell me what's happening?" He asked. He had one of his legs propped up on the other, waiting for me to start explaining. I decided to keep it simple with him and not go into detail.

"Remember when I told you about everything that went down with my old roommates and how my boyfriend was one of them? And he left me with nothing but a note?" I sat down on the bed.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with anything? Did Elton try to contact you?"

"No, no. I just needed you to know that my ex-boyfriend is sitting on our couch in the living room." I watched for his reaction. He looked at the door and then back at me.

"He's here?"

"What?" I stopped fiddling with my fingers and looked at him. His feet were on the floor now and he looked like he was in a fight or flight position.

"Your ex. He's here? Did he come over while I was out of the house?" He started to get up and open the door, but I stopped him. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration of Johnnie's stupidity.

"Johnnie no. Jake. Jake is my ex." I was almost yelling at him in a whisper. His consciousness weaved back into his brain as he finally realized what was going on.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Y/n. I didn't know it was him. I can ask him to leave or something." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No, it's fine. I'm not trying to control who you're friends with or anything. I just needed you to know why I'd be weird." We nodded at each other and he left to go back into the living room. I shut my door behind him. I turned my overhead light off and fell into my bed, face-first. My brain didn't know whether or not to make me cry, scream, break something, or lay there and pity myself for hours. My heart honestly hurt. I still loved Jake dearly and I'd never healed over my relationship with him. I hated that the universe was attempting to put us together again to make us face what happened.

Jake's POV

I heard someone walking down the hallway and back into the living room. It was Johnnie. I heard him and Y/n talking in the other room, but I couldn't make out the entire conversation. As I sat there alone on the couch, I couldn't believe that he was roommates with Y/n. Out of all the people possible, it was her. I never thought that I'd see her in person again, let alone so soon. It had been a few years, but after seeing her, it felt like we were just kissing yesterday. I genuinely couldn't fathom that she was back in my life. I've missed her. There was no possible way that we could get back together after I hurt her. I knew that she had to have been heartbroken because she didn't come after me or try to contact me after I left the house. I never blamed her. I would never blame her for anything that went down. She was perfect. She's always been perfect since the day that I met her.

I got upset at myself for thinking of being with Y/n again. I'd been dating Tara for a few years now, trying to block my first love from my mind.

"Hey, sorry about that. She gets so worked up about little things like that. You alright?" Johnnie sat on the couch beside me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Y/n and I used to know each other a few years back. We haven't talked since some stuff went down. It was just kind of shocking to see her open the door." I attempted to chuckle to cover my stress, but it came out weird.

"She never mentioned any of the names of who she used to live with except for her step-brother. Well, the other day she accidentally spilled that Sam and Colby were also some of her fellow roommates."

"You knew? I mean, you know about everything that happened?" I scanned over his expressions.

"Well yeah. She told me about everything that happened when she moved in. We became pretty close friends. I never knew that her ex was you. Sorry for putting you in a weird situation if I did, I really didn't know." He scratched the back of his neck, looking nervous.

"No, man. You're fine. I've gotta get home anyway. Tara wants to do a video tonight and we have to set up things for it. Thanks for having me over." We stood up and he walked me to the door and waved as I got in my car and drove off. I had to lie to get out of their house. I loved having a new friend, but I wasn't prepared to see Y/n again. I drove around a bit until I broke. I wanted to get home and sleep off the emotions that I was feeling, but they couldn't wait. I forced myself to pull over and let it out. I cried. I sobbed. All of the familiar feelings of regret, shame, and guilt, came spilling back into my mind. If I wanted to stay friends with Johnnie and start making content and music with him, I'd have to be around her again. I'd have to repair any piece of the relationship that I had left with her. I needed to fix something with her.

I needed to make up for my wrongdoings and mend our friendship.

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