Why Does it Smell Like Old People?

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Y/n's POV

When we got out of the car, we started filming the video in the parking lot. You would've thought that Tara and I were drunk by the way we kept laughing at each other. Jake started the video and introduced us to the camera. Tara and I kept messing around behind him, making faces and mocking him to the audience. Johnnie noticed at some point and snorted, getting us caught by the mullet man. Immediately, Tara and I stiffened and looked around as if we weren't doing anything.

"Hey, Y/n? Do I have a booger?" Tara tapped my shoulder and tilted her head up so I could see up her nostrils. I looked up there in her nose. There was a huge booger in there, but I wasn't going to tell her. I thought it'd be funny.

I shrugged and shook my head at her. "Nah, I don't see anything. You're good." She thanked me and got on her phone.

"Anyways, we're here at the most haunted ship in America. Those of you who are dedicated fans remember when I came here with Sam, Colby, Aaron, and," he paused, "wait hold on." Jake came up behind me and shook me by the shoulders. "Y/n was with us too! Bwah." He stuck his tongue out, acting possessed.

Jake's POV

We walked around the ship after I got our room key. Y/n, Tara, and Johnnie were all running around like children. I felt like their mother. One would say a joke, Tara would laugh, and it'd be a never-cycle. There wasn't much to do on the ship other than walk around and read the different history articles. At one point, we were walking on the side of the ship and Tara slipped, bringing Y/n down with her. Johnnie rushed over to help and I followed, picking Y/n up from the ground.

"You alright?" I brushed her off a bit, checking for any scrapes.

"I'm fine, I'm good. Just slippery." She shot me a thumbs up to reassure me. I went in to kiss her on the forehead, quickly remembering that we were still a secret. Instead, I patted her on the back. I gave her an awkward laugh before walking away.

Not much happened as we walked around the ship. Tara and Y/n slipping and busting their asses was the only intense thing that occurred. Well, I fell down the stairs at one point but that's not important. Before going to the room we'd paid for just for the night, we stopped by room B340 to see what was going on.

They'd taken the room numbers off of the hall wall and door, removed the doorknobs and key card readers, and tried to make it seem as if the room never existed. It was weird returning to the room, the outside of it. Tara leaned down to the vent on the door, putting her ear against it. I didn't hear anything, but she claimed that she heard a thud. Johnnie leaned down next, saying nothing was going on.

"One of you guys should listen for something. You both have a history with this place, so maybe something will come around for you guys," Tara suggested. I looked at Y/n with my eyebrows raised to see if she'd be up for it. I still remember how messed up she was after the night in that room. She gave me a weak shrug and crouched down to the vent as the other two did. All of us were quiet. Nothing seemed to be happening until she looked at me with watering eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She stood back up, looking as if she was going to say something terrifying. Her demeanor quickly changed and she started laughing.

"Nothing. I didn't hear anything."

"God, I forget you can cry on command. Don't do that!" I shoved her a bit.

We finally started walking to our room for the night. It was hella creepy. I wasn't entirely ready for the night back here. I just tried to make the best of it and seem that I wasn't bothered.

Y/n's POV

After entering the room Jake had rented out for the night, I was extremely grateful that we weren't spending the night. It was smaller but had an extra room in it. 

"Alright guys, here's Tara's bed and my bed is the big one. Johnnie gets the floor and Y/n will uhh..." Jake looked around for an idea, "she'll sleep in the bathroom."

"With Bloody Mary? Hell no." I peeked into the bathroom. The walls were turning an unusual yellow color and there was a small black bug in the sink. I got the shivers. I turned the light off and pulled the door completely shut. 

"You ready for a seance?" Jake rubbed his hands together.

"What?" Tara crossed her arms. 

"I brought a candle so we can talk to the ghosts in here." He pulled a candle out of Barry's backpack and sat on the floor. I remember back to when we performed the seance years ago. I felt better with this one. This time, we didn't have the crystals, tarot cards, the ouija board, and an extremely haunted room. Tara, Johnnie, and I shared glances and sank to the floor as Jake did. 

"Wait, how are we going to light it?" Johnnie asked, looking at the small white candle.

"You know Jake always has a lighter on him. Cigarette addict," I snorted. Jake whipped out a small red lighter with a smiley face on it and a dumb grin covered the lower half of his face. He lit the candle. 

"So what do you guys wanna ask?"

I went for the stereotypical question. "If anyone is here with us, can you give us a sign?" All of us sat in silence, waiting for an answer. We heard a thunk from the larger bedroom. 

"What was that?" Tara looked horrified. 

"I'll see," Jake said as he rose off of the floor. As soon as he was standing, the bathroom door whipped open by itself. 

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Goodbye!" Tara blew out the candle. I stood up, wanting to see what happened in the other room. The lights were off, so I got out my phone flashlight. Nothing in the room looked different. Then, I found the problem. When we'd toured the room earlier, either Jake or Johnnie pulled the bible out of the nightstand drawer. Something knocked it off of the bed where it was placed. 

"Jake, we're leaving." I sped out of the room and into the hallway. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I felt someone's hand grab my wrist. Jake. His eyes were full of concern. 

"Something knocked the bible off of the bed. I think it's the same entity from years ago. We need to leave." I motioned down the hallway. He nodded his head, knowing how scared I was. 

I started the walk down the hallway while he got the others. I'd blocked the memories of the Queen Mary trip out of my mind completely, but they were all coming back in a giant wave. I was terrified. 

Hopefully, once we got home, I could find a way to stay with Jake for the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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