Can't Get Over You

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Y/n's POV

I heard the front door shutting from the other room. I was hoping that Jake had left the house. I took a huge breath and let out the sobs that I was holding in. I had makeup on, knowing I'd ruin my pillowcase. It wouldn't stop. I was like a leaky faucet that finally burst. The doorknob clicked and the door creaked open.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. If I'd known, I wouldn't have brought him over. I didn't mean to trigger anything and upset you." Johnnie sat down on the edge of the bed, placing a hand on my back. I flipped over and sat up, crossing my legs and holding my head.

"Johnnie, it's not your fault. I need to resolve things with him because I want you two to be able to do things together with me around. I don't want to kill any of the vibes you guys have going on." I tried to wipe my nose. Johnnie and I watched as a long string of snot followed with my sleeve. It was disgusting but thankfully cheered me up a bit.

"That's disgusting," Johnnie let out an exaggerated gag and stood up from the bed. "You know what?"


"I'm going to run a bath for you. I think it might help with how you're feeling right now." He walked into my bathroom and flipped the lights on. Sounds of bottles clinking echoed from the bathroom then the water started running. He walked back out of my bathroom.

"Thanks, Johnnie. I appreciate it." We smiled at each other. Before leaving the room, he told me that he'd hug me, but he didn't want to get snot on him. I got off of the bed and closed the door. I took off the tear-soaked and snot-covered clothes that I was wearing and threw them into my hamper. Walking into the bathroom, I noticed that Johnnie had put some bubble bath liquid in the water, lit a candle, and placed a purple bath bomb on the edge of the bathtub. I felt a grin grow on my face, knowing that I had the best roommate and best friend in the world.

Jake's POV

I finally arrived at home after my surprise outburst. I immediately got out of the car and went to my apartment. I didn't know what to do. I knew that my relationship with Tara was going to change, now that Y/n was in my life again. I loved Tara, I did, but Y/n was different. She had to be my soulmate or twin flame, whatever you want to call it. She was the person for me. I'd messed that up. As I was soaking in my sorrows, my phone started buzzing with a call from Johnnie. I picked up.

"You alright man?" He asked.

"I will be. I'm a bit shaken from the whole thing, but I'll be fine. I'll need to talk to her at some point, but I don't know how I'd do it. I hurt her so bad, dude." I pinched the bridge of my nose in between my eyes.

"It'll be alright. There's time and it'll take time for you two to come around and talk to each other. For now, I think you and I should just stick to making content and music with each other. When you two are finally ready to talk, you can talk. Let me know when you want to do a video."

"Alright, thanks Johnnie. See you soon." I hung up the phone. I put it down on the desk, thinking if I should even attempt to talk to Tara about the situation. I decided to wait until we were going to film a video in the next two days.

Y/n's POV

The next day, I woke up to Johnnie editing some music from his room. I picked up my phone to check for any notifications. Corey texted me asking how I was doing and what I was up to lately. He and Jake had been filming videos together at haunted places. Unlike everyone else, he was the only one I really stayed in touch with. I still considered myself to be friends with Sam and Colby, but they'd been so busy with their new channel with ghost hunting and such that I never really tried to talk to them. I didn't want to feel like a bother or anything. It would've been nice to see them again soon.

"Y/n!" Johnnie yelled from the other side of the hall. I didn't understand why he was shouting. We lived in a smaller house and noise traveled easily. I got out of bed, remembering to put some pants on. I forgot to put some pants on one time and walked around the house. I think I traumatized Johnnie that day. Yes, I had underwear on, but you know how Johnnie is. I opened the door to his room, seeing him curled up in his chair, rocking side to side.

"What's up?" I leaned against the doorframe.

"I wanted you to listen to this to get some ideas for the next video or single artwork." He clicked the spacebar and his new music started playing. Per usual, it was that same emo music I was used to hearing from him. I always loved it. I was probably Johnnie's biggest supporter. Not just because I got a share of the money we made, but because I genuinely loved his style and art. It always seemed to have that emotional tug to it. Makes sense considering an emo wrote it. I laid down on his bed. It smelled like Cheetos.

"Do you like it?" He asked. He looked anxious for my reply. He should've known that I was going to like it. It was his music.

"Yeah, I love it. What are you thinking about for the single artwork? I can start brainstorming ideas." I didn't move. I stared at the ceiling. He replied to my question, but I stopped listening without realizing it.

Instead, I thought about the incident that happened the day before. Memories of Jake and I being together flooded into my brain. I remembered how happy we were in such a short amount of time—all of his little moments of showing his appreciation and love for me always had a special place in my mind. I remembered the night when he first told me that he loved me. He'd gotten into a fight with a random guy on the street after a party and his drunk words revealed the sober thoughts he had floating around his mind. He'd asked me to sleep in bed with him that night because he was hurt and didn't want to be alone. From then, I've always felt an incredible pull towards him, somewhat like a soulmate. I miss him. I want him back. I know how bad he hurt me in the past, but something was telling me that we needed to be together.

"You're still in love with him, aren't you?" Johnnie's casual but nosy question snapped me out of my trance. I quickly turned over. He was watching me as he sat in a therapist position. All he needed was a notebook, a pencil, and a pair of glasses.

"What are you talking about?" I stuttered. I attempted to laugh it off, but I knew he could see right through me.

"Y/n, I saw how you were yesterday. I remember how you looked when you originally told me about him and I didn't even know who he was." He laid back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Fine. Yes, I'm still very much in love with him, but I don't think I could ever mend that relationship after everything that happened. I just don't know if it's possible." I rubbed my temples, getting stressed at the thought of trying to talk it out with him.

"I think you should try sometime. Just trust me. Now, I do need to ask a huge favor from you." He looked nervous to ask the next question.

"What do you need?" I was always happy to help Johnnie with whatever he needed, so I was confused as to why he'd be hesitant to ask.

"Well, I wanted to film a video or two this week, but the cameraman I've been working with is sick. Could you take his place for the week?" He pleaded and attempted to give me puppy eyes.

"Of course I will. I'm always happy to help you."

"There's just one catch."

"What is it?"

"The videos are going to be with Jake." He leaned in, waiting for my reaction. Now I knew why he was nervous to ask. I didn't know what to answer at first, but I decided to help Johnnie with his channel and put my issues aside.

"That's alright. Just let me know when you need me."

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