What Happened Last Night?

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Jake's POV

When we finally got back to the house, Y/n was somewhat awake. Johnnie and I carried her into the house and I took her to her bathroom. I sat her down on the sink and got a rag. Johnnie was in the kitchen fixing her some water with one of those liquid IV packets. 

"Jake, I don't feel good." 

"I know, I know." I started to wipe off her makeup with the wet, facial cleanser-soaked rag. 

"Jake, my head hurts." Listening to her complaint was like being around a child.

"Johnnie?" I tried not to yell, but I needed him to hear me. 


"Can you bring me one of my tees? Any one of them is fine." He didn't respond, but I knew he'd bring me one. I grabbed her toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. She started brushing her teeth while I helped her take off her shoes and jacket. Once she was done with her teeth, I helped her down from the sink. Johnnie finally came in with the water and one of my shirts. 

"Do you need help getting changed?" She nodded. 

After helping her change from her party clothes into one of my T-shirts, I put her in her bed, making her drink some water before going to sleep. She fell asleep as soon as I put her cup back down. I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. 

"She alright?" Johnnie was sitting on the couch on his phone. 

"Yeah, she's asleep. I can't believe she drank so much. I should've been monitoring her." 

"Yeah, me too. I've never seen her like this before. Did she say anything to you?"

"She chewed me out pretty bad when I took her to the bedroom to calm down. She yelled at me and told me that it was my fault that she'd been so miserable and she couldn't trust me anymore and she hated me. I needed to have that talk with her, but that's not how I wanted to do it." Johnnie nodded as if he already knew. I guessed that she told him how she felt already. 

Y/n's POV

When I woke up, it was bright outside. The bright light was coming through my windows. Looking at it kicked in a crazy ridiculous headache. I felt like absolute shit. My mouth was completely dried out and my throat was sore. I snatched my phone off of my nightstand to see what time it was. 1:30. Jesus. What even happened last night? 

I threw the covers off of me and attempted to get out of bed. I underestimated how bad I felt. My entire body ached as I rose out of the bed. I looked in the mirror. I looked as bad as I felt. And I was wearing one of Jake's T-shirts. Holy shit did I sleep with him last night? How much did I drink? I slipped on some sweatpants and walked to the living room. 

"There's our sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?" Jake looked up from his phone and smiled. 

"Like shit." I flopped down on the couch beside him. 

"I'll get you something for your hangover." Johnnie got up and went to the kitchen. Jake put his arm around me. I missed the feeling of having his arms around me. 



"Did we? You know?" I motioned to the shirt I was wearing. 

"What?" He glanced at the shirt and then back to me. "Oh! No, no, no. I didn't feel comfortable going through your stuff, so I got one of my shirts for you."

"But you were comfortable enough to get me naked to change my clothes?" I crossed my arms. 

"Actually, I asked if you wanted me to help you. You got absolutely wasted last night."

"I wouldn't doubt it. I feel so bad. What even happened last night?" Johnnie came back into the living room and handed me a large cup of water. After, he went to his room. The cup had something in it but I decided not to question what it was. They were taking care of me, why would I complain? Jake chuckled a bit. 

"Well," he started, "you went a little overboard with the vodka and whatever else they had. Before I go on, what's the last thing you remember?" 

"Uhh, I had a drink while I was talking to Colby about stuff. A song started playing and I got excited over it, but that's all I got. What happened after?" I took a sip of the water that Johnnie had brought me. It was weirdly thick, but the flavor was alright.

"I'm not sure of everything you got into. When I found you, you were dancing and singing on top of their kitchen island. I thought that you were going to get yourself hurt so I tried to talk to you and get you to get down, but you yelled at me and called me a 'fun-sucker.'"

"I called you a fun-sucker? I don't think I've ever said that word in my life."

"Well, you said it. Anyway, I had to get Colby to help me get you off the counter. I dragged you into a bedroom to try and calm you down, but you chewed me out, started hitting me, told me you hated me, and said I ruined your life." It sounded as if his voice cracked a bit. I was stunned. I knew that's how I felt about him for a while, but I've never hated him. Drunk me just let everything loose didn't she?

"I'm so sorry, I don't remember saying any of that. I didn't mean it. I was just drunk and confused. I'm so sorry. I'm just, I," I kept stuttering. I got up and quickly went back to my room. 

Jake's POV

Y/n quickly got up and ran back to her bedroom. 

"Y/n, don't go. I know you didn't mean any of it." I heard her door slam. I got up and went after her. "Y/n, let me in." I knocked on her bedroom door. "Y/n, please." I heard sniffling from behind the door. Finally, it opened. "Y/n, it's okay, I know you were wasted, and," I was cut off. Y/n's arms were wrapped around my neck and pulling me down into a kiss. Her fingers ran through my hair. I softly placed my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. She suddenly pulled back and pushed me back. 

"I'm sorry, these feelings just kept coming back and I couldn't help myself." She put her head in her hands to hide her face. I pulled her hands back away from her face and placed a finger on her chin to lift her head. I couldn't think of anything to say to her, so instead I just smiled. Her brows furrowed and one raised. "What?" She shook her head impatiently. Instead of answering her, I just pulled her close to my chest and put my head on top of hers. 

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