Typed but unwritten

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I feel like a liar.

Am I really a writer?

I barely physically write. I only do it months at a time, after enough motivation for it accumulates.

It's easier to type. I can just quickly delete something if decide I don't like it.

So, maybe I'm just a typer.

I feel like all my best work is typed anyway. Everything I physically write never turns out the way I want it to. I get annoyed knowing I can't go back and change it.

Despite these issues, a goal of mine is to physically write more often. I don't know why. Maybe the idea of writing in a journal is attractive to me. I feel like there is a freedom that can be achieved. A freedom that might feel different from the one I get when typing.

Is it because when I type, I can correct things? I can patch things up and make them better? Is writing more raw? There is no room for second guessing, so is that why I get scared of it sometimes?

It takes guts for me to physically write. When I finally write something down, I'm sure I mean it, even if it doesn't come out pretty like the words I type. I don't like wasting pen and paper.

Do these words above even mean anything? I wonder if they have reached their full potential by being typed but unwritten.

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