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Darien's POV

I thought to myself then my doorbell buzzed. I got off the couch and opened the door. It was Nila.

"Hey" I said

"So MagCon is coming and this is for you" she said and handed me a VIP pass

"I can meet my Sunshines again. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Don't tell the boys I'm going though okay thank you" I said

"You're welcome and I won't but it's in two days" she said

"Okay" I said

"Goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" I said and we went to her house

I went upstairs and put my pass on my dresser and fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone going off so I got it and it was Hayes.

"What the fuck Hayes it like too early to be calling me" I said

"Your on speaker and it 3 in the afternoon" he said

"HAYES ITS TO EARLY" I yelled and got up and fell

"What happened? Are you okay" he asked

"No" I cried

My finger bent backwards.

"What happened" Nash asked


I went downstairs and to Hayes' house. I was crying and Chad opened the door.

"Woah what's wrong" he asked

"My hand.. I fell and my mom didn't come home last night and I don't have a ride to the doctors. Can you take me" I cried

He got Nila and we drove to the hospital then my phone rang.

"Darien what happened" Hayes asked

"Are you okay" Nash asked and I didn't answer I hung up because they called us back.

They took X-rays and all that boring shit then they finally told me what happened.

I broke both my middle and index fingers. That's just great. Chad dropped me off at home and told me when to take the meds and when not to and just go over there if I need anything.

I am really falling in love with them. It's like my second home really.

I laid down and called the boys back.

"WHAT HAPPENED" they yelled

"I broke two fingers" I said

"Oh" they said

"My mom hasn't cam home yet and she hasn't called or anything... should I be worried" I asked

"No don't stress over it maybe she had more paper work so she had to stay at the office all night then rented a hotel room because it's kinda far" Nash said

"Okay.. well PooBear and Nashley I have a date so I will call you later" I said

Then someone spit their drink out.

"You are dating someone" Hayes asked

"I'm going to Starbuck dumbasses" I laughed and hung up

Then I did a sloppy job straightening my hair Then I walked into my closet.

"What should I wear" I said to myself until I heard the door open and close

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