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Darien's POV

"She's asleep aww" Hayes said and moved my hat off.

I jumped up and jumped on Hayes.

"OH MY GAWD ITS HAYES FUCKNG GRIER I LIVE YOU SO MUCH" I screamed and held on tight.

"BITCH" Nash yelled

"DICK" I yelled

"I am what I have" he smirked at his come back and they oooo'd

"Correction you are what you eat" I said back and he started running after me

"Hayes" I said and put my chest into him and he wrapped his arms around me

Nash left somewhere and Hayes left. I decided to follow him because the guys were doing something and I didn't want to bother them.

Anyways I seen Hayes go out to a girl, she turned around it was Jordan. I felt tears forming and I ran back inside with tears going down my face.

I fixed my makeup put my hat and and grabbed my board and rode off.

"Bye everyone" I said waving and as I was going some got in my way and we fell

"Sorry sorry sorry" Nash said and guess what? I had no choice but to use my hands to break my fall

"Darien I'm so sorry" he said and my he picked me up.

"I just want to go home" I cried

"What's wrong" he asked

"Nothing. I don't know why... oh my god that bitch" I said and seen Jordan

She smirked and kissed Hayes' cheek.

"I have to go" I said

"No stay" Hayes said

"Shut the fuck up Hayes. if you want me to stay I will end up beating her ass again" I said rudely

Nash left Hayes and I to talk but he probably shouldn't have.

"Fine go home you little bitch" he said and u could feel my heart starting to shatter but something clicked

I got up looked Hayes in the eyes and punched him. Nash ran over fast and wrapped his arms around my waste.

"No Darien" he said

"I hate you Hayes Grier" I said in tears

"I hate you to Darien Johnson" he said

"Nash I'm asking my mom if I can go back to California with my cousin bye" I said and got on my board

Nash's POV

"She can't go back" I said and started tuning after her

When I got to her house she was talking to her mom.

"No please Mis. Johnson don't let her go back" I said

"I'll think about it" she said then Darien went upstairs and I followed

I seen her on her bed doing nothing so I laid next to her.

"Darien" I said

"Why don't you want me to go" she asked

"Because..... I" I said and she sat up a bit

"Because you what" She asked

"I don't know" I said

"Nash" she groaned

"Because every time I'm around you I want to hold you in my arms and call you mine and do this" I said and grabbed her face and kissed her

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