G.W 🌑 - bathroom floor

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Thank you soooo much to one of my best friends Kai for helping me out w the prompt! I get writers block quite a bit so Tysm DeviousKaiden666 <33

WOW. 2096 WORDS!!
Now this one they are both teenagers


Your friend ray (ray toro) asked you to come to his huge house party for his 17th birthday, so you said sure. You've hung out with his group of friends before but not too often. There was a tall lanky one with blonde hair, a punk with short black hair and another black haired one with pretty hazel eyes. You always took interest to the one with longer black hair, he stared at you from time to time, he drew a lot and was only really social with his friends. You forgot their names often but remembered that ones name had started with a G.

You showed up to the party and were a little nervous, considering half the school would be there. You knocked on the door and there ray was. "Hey y/n! Glad you could make it!" "Hi ray, happy birthday!" You said, giving him a small hug, from the corner of your eye you could see the one boy with those eyes and artistic skills staring at you and rays embrace. He was giving ray a mean look and you smiled to yourself a little. You barely knew the guy, just that he was friends with ray but you couldn't stop thinking of him.

There was a huge table of different kinds of snacks and drinks. You looked at it hoping there wouldn't be anything too bad in the punch, until you heard a familiar voice behind you. "D-Don't drink the red punch, it's spiked, I mean unless you like to drink but.. you don't seem like the type to." You turn around and oh my god. It is him. The boy you always see around that you may or may not have a huge crush on. "Oh no I don't. Thanks for telling me though!" You give him a smile and he smiled slightly back. Before you or him could say anything else, ray pops up.

"Hey guys! I see you found Gerard, y/n. He's kinda antisocial though so, just don't mind him HAHAHha!—". "Hes gotta be drunk." You thought to yourself. "Uh, well I should introduce you to my other friends so.. come here" ray said drunkenly, the smell of alcohol and cologne coming off him as you follow to the living room where those 2 other boys are seen. "So this is frank, he's like kinda crazy but like hehehe.. okay and this is mikes. Well Mikey." The two boys stand up from the couch and shake your hand. "I'm y/n." You say with a smile to both of them and after that you go to a corner, feeling a little uneasy.

"You alright?" You hear that sweet melodic voice again, you turn and it's Gerard. "U-um yeah I'm fine. Just anxiety of other people yknow?" "Yeah I get that.. we could go upstairs or- I mean in a not weird way. I'm not a pervert." "I didn't take you for one, but that sounds nice" you smiled and chuckled a bit at his defense, you assumed he has a good heart. You walked up the stairs with Gerard, going to rays room.

"So uh do you like to draw? I think I seen you with a note book once at lunch." He was barely keeping eye contact and you could tell he was nervous too. "Y-yeah I do, do you?" "Mhm, did you wanna maybe check out my drawings?" "Sure!" You said with a smile, moving closer to him and sitting down. Gerard got his backpack from next to rays bed, opening it. "I have my backpack cause ray, he always makes me come over to play video games with him or try to make songs but, we sound stupid a lot haha" "I didn't know you liked to make music, I don't know if you notice me wearing band shirts all the time at school but I love music!" "God I think I've seen you wear that slipknot shirt at least 30 times." You chuckled together as he got out his notebook.

"Here," he handed you the notebook with drawings in it. You were amazed at his skills. "You know, you're an awesome drawer Gerard!" You smiled at his drawings until you flipped a page and seen a drawing of yourself. You stared at it in shock as your cheeks flushed bright red.

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