V.F 🌑 - Dollface

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This was a request! For @Yana93361
This can be any era you want
1371 words !
Dom/sub theme


It was a hot summer day and Vic just got home from the studio. He was all sweaty as he walked through the front door and into your bedroom where you lied, looking at your computer on your lap. You always had a thing for when he sweated, he never smelt bad when he did and it turned you on. "Hey honey.." he spoke breathlessly. "Hi baby.." you smiled at him, the pure smile turning into a devious smirk. your mind filled with dirty
thoughts. "What's with that smirk?" Vic chuckled as he took off his shirt and climbed into bed next to you.

"Nothing, just missed you." You replied softly, the smirk still plastered on your face as you put your laptop away. "Missed you too, doll face." Vic smiled at you. You cuddled up to Vic and drew patterns on his soft skin as he played with your hair. You decide to let him know what you want by rubbing against his thigh with your leg over his leg. You went slowly at first, and then enough to make him feel it. "Baby.." Vic whispered. "What?" "Your-... your grinding on me." You smirked again, you could feel the hard-on between his leg grow.

"Fuck baby.. get on my lap." Vic was almost panting at your touch, you always knew how to push his buttons and get him all worked up. You climbed onto his lap and bit your lip. "I want you to take those pants off and grind on me.." Vic put his hands on the sides of your soft face as he looked into your eyes with his deep brown ones. You leaned into his touch and did as he said, stripping of your pants, you started to grind on his lap. "Oh yeah.. keep going like that." Vic was sweating a little more and his breath was moving faster with every movement of your clothed pussy on his clothed cock.

After a few minutes you could tell Vic was getting really close, just upon the edge when you got off his lap and discarded of his pants. "Who's gonna be in control tonight baby?" Vic pulled his boxers off, showing his erection. "You.." you mumbled quietly. You enjoyed being on top and all, but Vic played dominant like no other. Vic kissed you deeply, you could feel his tongue latch onto yours.

Vic let go and flipped you onto your back, making you feel vulnerable. "Are you ready, doll face?" "More than ready." You answered quickly, wanting him right then and there. Vic started kissing on your neck and soon pulling off your tank top. "So beautiful and warm.." Vic brushed his hand over top of your breast, making you shiver slightly underneath his naked form. "That f-feels good.." you whimpered slightly, Vic softly took your nipple into his mouth, suctioning and licking on it. "I'm not stopping here, sweetheart."

Vic started kissing down your stomach and he pinned your hands to the bed with his stronger ones. "I'm gonna make you feel so good. The neighbors are gonna know my name." Vic whispered seductively as his hands let go of yours, they rubbed all around your waist and stomach. "Vic.. I Cannot wait any longer!" Even just the feeling of his breath against your skin could make you orgasm. "I'll give you what you want." Vic had a malicious smile on his face as he pulled down your lace panties with his teeth. "Oh god.." you gasped, unable to even move an inch because of how good he made you feel.

Vic sat up as he threw your panties to the other side of the bedroom. "Do you want my cock?" Vic looked at you with desire and passion, his tip was just above your sopping wet pussy. Vic slowly moved his hips gracefully against your clit, making you clutch the sheets beneath you. "You like that huh?" Vic teased. You nodded your head rapidly as he sped up and eventually took a condom from the drawer next to you. He rolled the condom onto his cock and positioned the head of his dick atop of your entrance. Is my doll ready?" "Yes.. yes Vic! I told you I can't wait any longer.." you breathed out. Vic pushed in slowly, savoring the feeling of the first clenches your pussy gave to his thick cock. Vic gasped as he felt you tighten. "Oh my god.." you uttered. "I'm going to fuck you silly.." Vic spoke into your ear.

Vic started pumping quicker little by little as the bed rocked underneath the both of your bodies. "Aghhnn.." you began to whimper louder, Vic enjoyed that. Vic couldn't hold back his aggression anymore with your moans and grip on the sheets, he started to plunge his cock deeper into your warm pussy, enjoying the feeling of being inside of you. "Yeah.. you like when I get rough?" Vic's voice was trembling slightly as he rammed into you. "Fuck! I need it so bad.." you moan out, your almost bawling your eyes out at this point as he fucked your pussy. "Take it.." Vic mumbled into your ear as you trembled. The way he fucked you was like being fucked by some kind of sex demon or something, he was too good to be true at sex, you could barely muster words as his speed accelerated.

You rocked your hips upward as Vic took your smooth legs into his hands, rising them in the air so far apart you probably strained the muscles in your thighs as he fucked into you deeper. You were yelling and almost screaming as he went harder. "Cmon, tell me you like it. Tell me it feels good." Vic was out of breath. "Y-yes.. I.. i love it. It feels s-so f-fucking ggggoooodd!!" You called out for Vic and were moaning his name repeatedly, this told him that he hit that sweet spot, and that you were definitely close. "You close dollface??" Vic whimpered slightly on top of you, his moans always got to you and made you squirm. "U-uh huh.." you moaned, trying to be quiet but failing miserably as he kept brushing against that spot inside you.

You kept writhing underneath his warm body, wondering if this pleasurable moment would ever end. It had felt like you were in heaven as he kept going. Your back arched off the bed as you felt your orgasm not too far away. "Dollface.. your going to have to hold it. I'm gonna push you over the edge." Vic pulled out of you, receiving a gasp from you as you got flipped over onto your stomach, your face planted into the delicate pillow in-front of you. Vic liked to switch things up during the act at times, he knew it made you cum harder than usual when he would. He pushed back into your cunt without any warning, making you scream into the pillow. Just when you thought you couldn't feel any more pleasure, Vic reached over and started rubbing your clit
expeditiously. You screamed EVEN louder, how would Vic expect you to not cum at this moment?

"Vic— VIC!" "Cmon baby.. tell me what is it. Can't handle my cock pumping you at the same time my hand is playing with your clit?" Vics word only fueled the fire between your legs. "I'm gonna.. I'm gonna fucking— I'm gonna cum!" You were slurring your words highly, the pleasure was just too much for you. You roared into the pillow as you came on his cock. You could barely come to your senses at this moment, you just knew you felt like heaven and Vic was going slower, you knew he orgasmed with you due to his throbbing cock. You felt him pull out as you turned on your back, watching him throwing away the now used condom. "Damn, did I make you cum that hard?" "Yes.." you chuckled slightly as he climbed into bed with you. "How about a bath together and then we cuddle till sleep, dollface?" "Sounds like a plan to me, baby."

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