R.R 🌑 - didnt know you liked that too

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So this is like BDSM,
decided this will be a long one, most I will try to keep them longer but not tooo long I hope this is okay
1956 words !!


Lately, you've been exploring your sexuality more with Ryan gone on tour, you have a lot of time to yourself so of course you spend some of it wishing he was inside of you.

It's a short tour, he's only gone for a month and not 5-7 like usual. It's getting to be only a few days before he comes home. You get on your laptop, going to play the sims 4 before you realize you should maybe research some of the desires you've been having. You and Ryan's sex life has always been awesome, but you kinda do the same thing. You've been having urges like wanting to be spanked, being tied up and such. You wanted Ryan to practically destroy you. Ryan is dominant but in a softer way, he's gentle and you love it but sometimes you want it rough. You do some research and find some more things you could do together.

The agony is finally over when Ryan walks through the front door. "Honey I'm homeeee!" His soft voice echoes through the halls. You jump off the couch and give him a warm and tight hug.
"I missed you so much.." you mumbled, your head nuzzling into his shoulder.
After you let the day play out of just being lazy together due to Ryan's exhaustion from tour, Ryan points out something.

"Um babe.." Ryan said nervously, pausing the YouTube video playing in your bedroom. "What is it?" You look over at him with a confused expression. "Um.. so I didn't wanna bring it up earlier but.. w-why .. why did I see on the card you bought some stuff from Amazon last week.. like.. handcuffs and blindfolds.." Ryan looked scared of your upcoming answer, unsure if it was for someone else or for the two of you, as you have never brought it up to him before.
"I guess I should talk to you about it now.." your face flushed bright red, you weren't gonna tell him this soon.

"What?" He Said. "Well.. when you were on tour.. I explored more of.. my tastes in sex. As in.. like kinky things.."
"Oh.." Ryan's eyes widened as he looked around, you guys go hard but never like this. His face was bright as a tomato as he processed your words.

"And I want to try.. like.. if you would handcuff me and .. make me beg.. make me scream.. y'know.." as soon as your words went through Ryan's ears, something poked in his pants, eager to come out.
"I didn't know that was all it would take.." you teased at Ryan, a chuckle escaping from your natural pink lips. "Shut up.." he chuckled with you. "In all seriousness.. I kinda have been waiting for you to tell me you want this.. because want it too.. I didn't know you liked that too.." Ryan whispered, moving closer to you and his words make you shiver.

Ryan climbed on top of you, already making you the submissive. His eyes sparkled differently tonight, ever since you told him you see a darkness in his deep chocolate-colored eyes, the desire and lust radiating around him was making you crazy. He ripped his shirt off and started gnawing at your neck, leaving you breathless and with hickies.

"R-Ryan.. y-you want to do this tonight..?" You asked shyly, feeling a pool establish inside your panties. "Yes baby, and I'm gonna wreck you." He whispered in your ear, nibbling at the lobe after his words slipped out his plump lips. Your hands fly to his hair, tugging at the dark brown strands.

He bites harder at your sensitive neck, then moving up to your face and giving you deep, passionate kisses.
Your tongues intertwine together like laffy taffy, and god he tasted good.

He started taking off all of your clothing and his too, you kept making out for what felt like hours but only was 2-3 minutes. Ryan noticed your lacy set you had on, his eyes glued to your body.
"Oh baby.. you look so gorgeous.. I Cant believe this is the body I'm fucking in so deep tonight."
His words started out soft and became sharp. His finger found its way into your panties as he rubbed the sensitive bean between your thighs, his movements at a perfect pace and he's caressing it in circles. He had a dominate side I guess you never knew about, he just wanted you to be comfortable too.

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