Chapter 1

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Cassie was walking to her first class of the day which was transfiguration when she spotted a strawberry blond girl walking the same way. "Hey!" She said once she caught up with the girl.

Amelia turned around. She saw Cassie running up to her. "Hi," she said.
"Looking forward to Transfiguration?"

"I guess but I'd much rather be in DADA."
She replies then mumbles to herself thinking Amelia can't hear her, "It would really help at home."

"Why would it help at home?" asked Amelia. "Is your home dangerous?"

Cassie looks at Amelia quickly hoping she didn't see the fear flash in her eyes. "What? Did I say that?" She chuckles nervously. "Oh look we're here! Gotta go! Bye!" She quickly shuffles off over to her friends and sits down getting her books out.

Amelia looked at Cassie feeling suspicious. It seemed like she had something to hide. She said nothing but went to sit with the other Ravenclaws.

As Cassie sat next to her friend Draco Malfoy he sneered at Amelia. "Why were you talking with that mudblood?" He asked Cassie as she set her books out.

"Don't call her that." She snapped. Draco just rolled his eyes. "You're going to be eaten alive in Slytherin if you are seen with her." He warns Cassie

Amelia overheard what Draco said about her. She turned around. "I don't know what you just called me, but it sounded very rude. Hold your tongue in the future."

Draco looked taken aback that Amelia had talked back to him. "I could say the same for you too mudblood." He spat as Cassie elbowed him. "Draco! What did I just say." Cassie argued but before she could say more class started.

Amelia was tempted to stick out her tongue at Draco, but that would be a childish response. She just focused on turning her matchstick into a needle, which was very difficult.

Cassie could tell Amelia wanted to respond to Draco but didn't and just focused on the task at hand. She kept trying to turn the matchstick into a needle but all it would do was move a bit then stop. She was about to give up when a red head boy and raven hair boy ran in, very late I might add.

Amelia looked at the two boys in surprise. Professor McGonagall scolded then lightly (after turning from a cat into a human). The two boys went to their seats.

Next to Cassie, Draco scoffed. "How likely of the golden boy to be late to his first class." Cassie just stared at the boy with round glasses for a moment trying to figure out why he was familiar. As she was studying the boy Professor McGonagall awarded 15 points to Gryffindor for Hermione Granger being the first one to transfigure the matchstick. "Little know it all mudblood." Draco muttered.

Amelia felt really annoyed with Draco. She longed to throw a chair at his platinum blonde head. Her neighbour said, "Just ignore him. He's Draco Malfoy, and he's the most arrogant boy you will ever meet."

Class ends and Cassie packs up as Draco gives her one last warning about Amelia, which she ignores and catches up to her. "Hey, sorry about Draco. He can be a git sometimes."

"Is he always like that?" asked Amelia. "Some of my dormmates told me weird rumours about his parents."

"Not always. Once you get to know him he can be nice." Cassie said and looks at Amelia. "What rumors?"

"That his family were in cahoots with some dark wizard. They never said his name. They only called him You-Know-Who."

"Oh." Cassie sighs but continues. "That's not my story to tell but I can explain who You-Know-Who is if you want."

"Who is he?" asked Amelia.

"Well you know the kid that came in late?"

"Yeah," said Amelia. "What about him?"

"The one with raven hair and glasses was Harry Potter. He supposedly defeated You-Know-Who as a baby when he tried to kill Harry. Both his parents died that night while Harry was left with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. No one knows where Potter was relocated but we assume with some rich
pureblood family. You-Know-Who was a dark wizard and the reason why us Slytherins have such a bad rep. His real name is, Voldemort. His group of followers are called death eaters." Cassie explains to Amelia in great detail while leaving a few parts about her family members association with Voldemort.

"Oh. I don't see a problem with Slytherins," said Amelia. "So Harry defeated You-Know-Who as a baby? That's really cool."

"I guess it's cool. And if the Slytherins give you a hard time for being muggle-born just tell them to leave you alone or face Cassie Lance, all the Slytherins are scared of my family, even Draco." Cassie says and again mumbles to herself not thinking Amelia can hear her. "And so am I."

Amelia was puzzled, but she didn't say anything this time. "Thanks," she said.

"It's no problem I kn-" Before Cassie could finish her sentence she ran into a blond boy who dropped all his books.

"S-sorry." The boy said picking his books up. "It's fine it was my fault I should've been paying attention." Cassie waved him off as he scurried away.

"Gosh, I have never met anyone so nervous before," said Amelia. "He seems nice though."

"Me either but I guess he is nice." Cassie replies looking at her watch. "We're late for flying lessons! Come on!" They both run out to the courtyard and make just in the nick of time.

A/N again this is a collaboration with LillianaBerry2003

Cassie Lance and Amelia Turner go to Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now