Chapter 5

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Amelia went to lunch, but she didn't eat anything. Some older Slytherins dumped a bowl of porridge on her head. "Stop it!" she said. But they just laughed and walked away.

Cassie cleaned herself up and walked to lunch and right as she walked in she saw Nott and his cronies dump a bowl of porridge on Amelia's head. She walks over to the group at the Slytherin table and they stop laughing. "Ah Lance finally came to your senses and dropped the mudblood?" Nott laughed but Cassie didn't. All she did was punch him square in the face. "I told you once Nott, leave her alone if face me." She said coldly as Notts goons helped him up while his nose bleed. She was faintly aware of a professor yelling out that she lost point but she could care less.

Amelia went to the bathroom, but a group of Slytherin girls were there and they laughed at Amelia. "Look at her!" said Pansy Parkinson. "The Mudblood has been in a food fight!"
"Shut up!" said Amelia.

Cassie walked back to the common room and on her way there's  a group of girls laughing about something.
"What so funny?" She asks going up to Pansy. "Did you hear how the Ravenclaw mudblood got in a good fight?" She laughed and again Cassie didnt but this time she pulled out her wand and hexed Pansy making her face breakout in hives and pimples. She shrieked and fled her friends following her.

Amelia looked at Cassie. "Thanks for saving me," she said.

Cassie looks at Amelia as she battles in her mind on what to do. Her mask went up and she nodded at Amelia before turning to walk away but not before she saw the look of hurt in her eyes.

Amelia looked at Cassie with sadness in her eyes. "Cassie, I'm sorry if I upset you.
But it's just how I was raised. Just like how your beliefs came from how you were raised."

Cassie stopped at the door and sighed,
"I know but I don't want to believe that my parents lied to me my whole life."

"Well, maybe they just believe that too."

"No, it's them lying to me. My
grandparents whom I've never met for that exact reason. Because of my parents beliefs." Cassie turned back around to Amelia and ran to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry." She whispered into Amelia's shoulder as a few tears slipped out.

"It's okay," said Amelia. "Though I don't think that you want to be hugging me right now. I'm covered with porridge, remember?"

Cassie laughs but still hugs her. "I don't care. We have magic for that." She pulled back from the huge and waved her wand making all the porridge disappear.

"Thanks," said Amelia. "I was going to clean it up the Muggle way."

Cassie was about to reply when a loud noise came from outside the bathroom.
"What was that?" Cassie went to look outside the door but came running back in panicked. "TROLL!" She grabbed Amelia and hid and a stall.

Amelia gasped. Why was there a troll in the bathroom? The troll swung it's club, destroying part of the bathroom.

Cassie and Amelia stayed in the stall praying the troll wouldn't swing and hit the one they were in. The troll was about to hit it when they saw to pairs of feet run in and yell "MOVE!" They crawled under the wall of the stall as the wall collapsed.

Amelia screamed. "Help!" she called.

"Hey pee brain!" One of the boys yelled as both Cassie and Amelia stayed under the sink thinking they were safe but apparently not since the troll swung his club and broke the sink.

One of the boys stuck his wand in the troll's nose. The other one took out his wand.

"Ewwww! Don't stab its brain!" Cassie yelled at the boy who had his wand in the trolls nose.

The boy with his wand yelled out,
"Wingardium Leviosa!" The troll suddenly found that the club was no longer in it's hand.

It dropped on his head and he collapsed on the bathroom floor. We crawled out from under the sinks as teachers rushed in.

Amelia saw that the two boys were Harry and Ron. Harry took out his wand out from the troll's nose. "Ugh, troll bogies."

"Explain yourself all of you!" McGonagall said and we all tried to talk all at once but I was the loudest. "It was my fault professor. I came looking for the troll thinking I could handle it as I've read many books about them. Amelia followed me telling me it wasn't safe but I didn't listen. If Potter and Weasley hadn't come we would've been dead." I say taking the blame. "Ms. Lance 20 points will be taken and to you Ms.Turner 5 points taken for not getting a teacher. As for you two boys 50 points will be taken and 20 points awarded for sheer dumb luck." McGonagall said and we all walked out.

Amelia was stunned by what had happened. She went out of the bathroom with the two Gryffindors and one Slytherin. Harry and Ron looked at Cassie in surprise.

"What never thought a Slytherin could be nice?" She sneered at them.

"You didn't have to stick up for us," said Harry. "It was all an accident this happened. I'm just puzzled about a troll in the school."

"Yeah, they're supposed to be really stupid," said Ron. "Maybe Peeves let it in for a joke."

"As much as I hate Peeves I don't think he'd do something this bad. He's never done anything harmful has he?" She says thinking.

"I guess not," said Ron.

"Well ta ta Potter, Weasley." She said as they walked to the Gryffindor common room.

"Bye." said Amelia before she went to her own common room.

"See you tomorrow!" Cassie said as she also walked to her common room

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