Chapter 6

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The next day, Amelia went down to breakfast.

Cassie also went down to breakfast and as she was about to eat another red howler landed on her plate. And again it projected the message for the whole hall to hear. "CASSANDRA MARY LANCE WE GAVE YOU A WARNING BUT YOU DID NOT LISTEN. NOT ONLY DID WE GET 3
MESSAGES FROM YOUR PROFFERS TWO OF TBEM WERE FOR ATTACKING ANOTHER STUDENT. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY DONT. OTHER COMING HOME AT ALL. YOU ARE HERE BY DISOWNED." It then shredded itself up. Even thought she was expecting it it still hurt as she fled the hall in tears.

Amelia gasped when she heard what the Howler said. Everyone was quiet.

Cassie ran through the halls crying when she eventually made it the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

Amelia felt really bad for Cassie. She wished that there was some way she could help her.

Cassie sat on the floor of the bathroom crying until she heard something.
"Hello? Amelia is that you?" She asked
"I'm not Amelia." Said a ghost that flew out of the toilet. "Oh it's just you." She mumbles

Moaning Myrtle said, "I heard you crying.
What's wrong?"

"My parents just disowned me and the whole school knows!" She sobs

"Your family disowned you?" asked
Moaning Myrtle. "Why would they do that?"

"Because I'm friends with a
muggleborn." She sniffed "Apparently that's not allowed in my family."

Moaning Myrtle looked a little upset.
"I'm a Muggleborn," she said before flying down a toilet.

"Just as I thought I'd have someone to talk to." She sighed and rested her head on her knees.

Amelia looked in the bathroom. "Cassie, are you here?"

She sniffled and replied, "Over here."

"Are you okay?" asked Amelia.

"Of course I'm not ok I just got disowned by my parents!" She snapped "Sorry shouldn't have snapped. It's just even though I knew it was coming it still hurt."

"I'm really sorry," said Amelia. "Where will you go during the holidays then?"

"I'll be staying here. Then for the summer I don't know where I'll go." She sighs

"Maybe you could stay with me for the summer," said Amelia.

Cassie perked up at that. "Really? W-would your parents be ok with that?"

"I would have to ask them, but I'm sure that they won't mind," said Amelia.

"If you're sure it's ok." Said cassie

"Of course," said Amelia. "My parents would be happy that I have made a friend."


"We should get to class," said Amelia. "I won't let anyone pick on you."

"Ok let's go and thanks again." Cassie says

Amelia smiled. "You're welcome," she said.

Once they get to class everyone stares at Cassie as she walks to her seat with her head down.

Amelia came in and sat down next to her.

Everyone in the room started whispering and looking at them both.

Amelia tried not to look at them.

As class went on more and more students whispered. Snippets of what they were saying could be heard, "disowned...sitting with a mudblood... blood traitor..."

Amelia overheard some of the whispers and hated them. It didn't seem like they were trying to keep their voices quiet.

"Professor, could I go to the restroom please?" Cassie raised her hand and asked. The professor nodded oblivious to all the whispers and snickers as she hurried out of the room.

Amelia felt worried about Cassie. She was clearly very upset.

Cassie went to the bathroom again and just sat in the floor. She didn't return to class either.

When Cassie didn't return for the rest of the class, Amelia grew concerned. She decided to search for Cassie at the end of class.

After Cassie was sure class had ended she got up and splashed water on her face. She walked out of the bathroom to see Amelia walking down the hall looking for something.

Amelia saw Cassie and ran up to her. "There you are!" she said. "Where had you been? I was worried when you didn't come back to class."

"I was in the bathroom. Sorry I worried you." Cassie said looking at her feet sheepishly

"Don't listen to what everyone is saying. They don't understand you," said Amelia.

"True and it's only going to get worse. Slytherins always make "blood traitors" feel awful and considering I am one now it's going to be hell for me." Cassie said sadly

"I won't let them hurt you," said Amelia.

"Thanks but don't get yourself hurt in the process." Cassie said

"I won't," said Amelia. "I'm not afraid of the Slytherins."

As they walked through the halls to their next class people gawked at them as if they were an art attraction.

Amelia glared at them. "What?" she asked. "Do we look like something to stare at?"

They quickly looked away.

Amelia guided Cassie to an empty seat.
"Just ignore them," she whispered.

"Hey Cass..." a voice said from behind her. She turned and saw Draco. "Hi Draco, do you need something?" she asked

Amelia noticed Draco. "Do you want to talk to Cassie?"

"Yeah I just wanted to make sure she had someplace to go over the summer. If not she could stay with me." Draco said looking at Cassie. "Amelia has already offered to ask her parents if I could stay but if they won't allow it then I'll stay with you." Cassie said smiling at Draco

Amelia nodded at Cassie. After Draco walked away, she said, "At least one of your Slytherin friends is willing to stick by you."

"I'm honestly surprised he is." She said "Most Slytherins would follow what others do so for him to stick with me puts him at risk too."

"I guess that he really cares about you," said Amelia.

"I guess he does." Cassie said

Amelia was starting to think that Draco wasn't so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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Cassie Lance and Amelia Turner go to Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now