Chapter 3

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Cassie and Amelia walked to the great hall where dinner was being served and went to their respective tables. Cassie when she got to the Slytherin table sat down and immediately everyone moved away. Draco walked past her and whispered, "Told you'd get eaten alive."

Amelia sat down at her table and started eating. She thought that the day's events were interesting.

As Cassie are her food an owl swooped down and dropped a bright red letter. She immediately recognized it as a howler and started at it in horror wondering who it was from. Her question was soon answered when the letter yelled out its message for the whole hall to hear, "CASSANDRA MARY LANCE, HOW DARE YOU BEFRIEND AND MUDBLOOD AND TAINT THE FAMILY NAME! DONT BOTHER COMING HOME THIS BREAK OR YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN. AND IF YOU DONT DROP THIS SO CALLED FRIEND WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO DISOWN YOU!" The letter then burst into flames as she sat there pale while the whole hall stared.

Amelia looked at the Slytherin table in surprise. She had never seen a howler before, but she knew that it was bad news. Why wasn't Cassie allowed to befriend people like her? She pushed away her plate and went back to her common room.

Cassie fled from the great hall a few lone tears falling.

Amelia didn't understand. Who were Cassie's parents? What was their problem with Muggle Borns?

Cassie and Amelia didn't see each other till the next day while they both made their way to the great hall for breakfast

Amelia asked Cassie about the Howler.
"Why do your parents hate people like me so much? I don't even know them."

Cassie flinched at the reminder of the howler and hoped Amelia didn't notice. "Like I explained earlier purebloods think of themselves as superior so anyone who isn't a pureblood is lower then them."

"So they hate me because my parents are Muggles?" asked Amelia. "That's not really fair. Besides, my parents are really nice. They would like to meet you, Cassie."

"Pretty much and I bet your parents are very nice. I'd love to meet them."

"Thanks," said Amelia.

Before Cassie can respond Draco grabs her wrist. "Cass, can I talk with you?" He asks looking at Amelia, "Alone. Cassie looks at Amelia and tells her she'll see her in class and goes with Draco.

Amelia nods and goes to her class.

Once Draco is finished talking with Cassie, she walks to her class and tries to find Amelia.

Amelia saw Cassie and waved at her.

Cassie walks over and takes a seat next to Amelia. "Bloody tosser Draco is. He thinks that by telling me who almost got disowned with help! Can you believe that!" She complains to Amelia

"What happened?" asked Amelia. "Did he say not to be friends with me?"

"Sort of. He said he knew who told my parents which guess who it was? Nott. That git! Draco also said that so I don't get disowned to drop you! Like I would ever!" Cassie rants.

"What business is this of Nott?" asked Amelia, glad that they weren't in the same house as him.

"I have no clue what he wants or what he thinks he's going to get out of me being disowned, which I've already accepted, but since he's in Slytherin it's going to be a bloody pain." She groans just thinking about it.

"I can't imagine how it feels to be stuck with him," said Amelia. "Draco looks like a puppy compared to him."

"It's awful. You know what he did last night after the whole howler show? He fucking apologized. It didn't fix anything I'm still going to get disowned by my parents and be Cassie nobody!"

"You are not a nobody," said Amelia. "Everyone is a somebody."

"Not if I don't have a family!" Cassie exclaimed and mumbles to herself as the teacher walks in, "Even if the family was bad."

Amelia sighed. She wished that there was some way she could help Cassie. But the thought of appealing to Cassie's parents was laughable. They wouldn't listen to her anyway.

Cassie Lance and Amelia Turner go to Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now