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|4| Birthday Party Number One | Mike| 

It wasn't no secret that Mike and his family didn't have money like others. He worked at a dollar general that was nearby to help pay for bills since his mother couldn't help as much. 

 Mike didn't really care for a birthday unless it was his little sisters, he care more about her than he cared about his own life. He wasn't surprised when he had to work on his birthday even after he asked for a day off. 

"Mike-Mike, where you going?" A small voice called from below causing Mike to turn after recognizing the voice.

"To work, you want something to eat when I get back?" She nodded before running up to her brother and hugged him which he returned. 

Erica ran upstairs to her room. Once Mike spotted a black car outside the apartment he headed outside and hopped in the car.

"Aye big man got his uniform on and think he the shit." A loud voice called out after noticing Mike's silence.

"Chase man today ain't the day to be doing allat playing."

"Well damn nice to see you too mother fucker." As he pulled out from in front of the apartment complex. 

Mike replied with a huff before going on his phone reading two messages out of all of them. It was from Lonnie and Jaz saying happy birthday.

Leaving them on read he went to connect his phone to the blue tooth, that was until his hand got smacked.

"Never touch a black mans radio and don't connect to my shit wit that android." Mike rolled his eyes before turning towards the window seeing that they was close to his job. "Oh he sassy, bombastic side eye it's giving wanna be a bad bitch for real." Chris joked.

Mike tried to hide his laugh but it didn't go unnoticed by Chris. They had finally made it to their destination. Chris turned to Mike as he was leaving the car but stooped him.

"Aye man I got something for your, hold on." Mike looked confused as Chris reached into his backseat. He pulled out two bands that had rubber bands wrapped around it.          

Mike was shocked," You for real? Bro I can't take this." Pushing the money back towards Chris causing him to laugh.  

"Take it nigga, I got plenty more. Happy Birthday man."  Mike face held shock as he examined the money. "Why don't you come work with me and Eman to get triple this, cause this right here aint nothing." Motioning to the cash that mike held.

"To get this kind of money and possibly get killed? hell yeah." He joked.

"Man come on, all I got to do is talk to boss man, he said he needed some extra help and I know I can trust you." Chase and Mike had been friends since middle school, they disliked each other at first but they soon got along and stuck up for each other since then.

"Oh shit man, I gotta go before I get fired." Mike hopped outside of the car leaving the money in the car and ran towards the store.


Mike sat outside with a pack of skittles in hand, he was watching as customers walked in and out of the store.

He had just got fired since he was late and they claimed that they had somebody better. Mike's job was to stock shelves.

He was now waiting for his mom to come and pick him up. He waited for a good 15 minutes and decided to start walking. 

As he stopped to let cars pass, he noticed a small black and brown animal walk towards him in the corner of his eye.

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